Chapter 56 - Remembrance of Things Past

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"So Ellie's on her way to school?" Fleur asked as they drove into work.

"Yeah." Morgan sighed.

"I'm glad she's getting on at her new foster home." Fleur hummed.

"I worry about her, y'know?" Morgan looked over at her,"I'm scared she'll run off."

"I don't think she would.. Not after what happened."

"I know, but still." Morgan shook his head.

"Hey, don't worry." Fleur sighed.

"I can't help but worry. I mean, I love that kid."

"And she loves you, you're the only one she really has."

"She lot pretty much everything, and I never want her to feel that scared again."

"You and me both."

Morgan smiled,"We'll protect her."

"Course we will. She can come whenever, her and Addy can be friends."

"I'm sure they'd both love that."

"What do you think will be today?" Fleur sighed.

"Well, I always pray for something quick with minimal casualties." Morgan told her.

Fleur just looked at him,"We only get that in our dreams." She laughed.

"You never know, one day we might get lucky." Morgan pointed.

"One day which will come never."

"Never say never."

Fleur shook her head with a chuckle and got out,"Race you inside?"

"Oh, you're on." Morgan smirked as he got out as well.

"Morgan, over there!" Fleur pointed and ran off.

"Wh- How dare you!" Morgan ran after her.

Fleur laughed as she reached the headquarters and ran inside.


"Take care of yourself, okay kid?" Elijah hummed over the phone.

"Of course I will." Tyler nodded.

"I'm always a call away if you need me."

"I know you are, I'll call you after school." Tyler told him.

"Alright, love you."

"Love you too, Elijah." He hung up.

Elijah smiled as he put his phone down and picked up his jacket.

"Was that Tyler?" Reid fixed his hair, he and Elijah had cut and styled it.

"Mhm." Elijah nodded, turning around,"He's growing up. He's just a bit older than Addy."

"Jesus, it felt like yesterday we helped him." Reid chuckled.

"I know. He's been doing just fine, but after all that stuff with Ellie.. I figured I'd call him a little more."

"I'm sure he appreciates it." He smiled.

"He said he'd call after school." Elijah hummed.

"How does my hair look?"

"You look great." Elijah wrapped his arms around him.

"I do try." Reid chuckled and held his arms.

"You don't really need to. You always look good."

"Why thank you."

Elijah smiled and kissed his cheek,"Are you ready for today?"

"So far, yes." Reid nodded.

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