Chapter 107 - If The Shoe Fits

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"Alright, I know I shouldn't be scared of your mum at this point.. But I still am." Elijah sighed.

"Mama's not scary- Oh, you mean mom." Fleur chuckled.

"Yeah, she's bloody terrifying." Elijah pointed.

"She just has that look..But she can be really sweet." Fleur assured him.

"To you and Addy, maybe." Elijah nodded.

"She's protective."

"That's one word for it."

"Don't wor-" Fleur began to speak as the doorbell rang.

"I'm hiding in the kitchen." Elijah shook his head.

"No, no. You answer the door." Fleur smirked.

"..You're enjoying thus too much." Elijah pointed as he walked past her.

"Way too much." Fleur hummed.

Elijah sighed as he walked to the door, looking back at where Fleur was before he opened it.

"Elijah." Ruth smiled.

"Ruth, it's lovely seeing you again." Elijah told her.

"Elijah." Gail crossed her arms.

"Gail." Elijah blinked.

"Why are you here? Where's my daughter?'

"She's just in the kitchen- Here, come in." He held the door open.

"She's a little uptight. Didn't get breakfast." Ruth whispered to Elijah as Gail walked in.

"Well, I'm sure Flo will make sure she has something." Elijah nodded.

"She will." Ruth agreed.

"Mom." Fleur hummed and hugged Gail.

"Oh, sweetheart. It's so nice to be here with you again." Gail hugged back.

"Well, Morgan's at his other job and Addy's at school, so Elijah came over to keep me company." Fleur nodded.

"Of course he did." Gail looked over at Ruth and Elijah as they walked over.

"Darling, would you mind making something for your mother? She's how the kids say.. Hangry." Ruth chuckled.

"I am not 'hangry'." Gail pointed.

"Of course. I can whip something up." Fleur hummed.

Gail sighed," Thanks."

"How have you two been?"

"Oh darling, we have been great." Ruth told her.

"Missed me?" Fleur tilted her head.

"You know it." She nodded.

Fleur waited a minute before turning to Gail,"Brownie."

Gail took the brownie and took a bite,"Thanks again. You're getting better at these."

"I learned from the best." Fleur smiled.

"Aw, sweetheart." Ruth grinned.

"You two should let Elijah cook for you some time. He's great." Fleur pointed.

"I wouldn't say great." Elijah quickly shook his head.

"Sorry, incroyable." Fleur spoke in French.

"I think that would be a great idea." Ruth hummed.

"As long as you don't poison us." Gail shrugged.

"I would never." Elijah assured her.

"We'll see." Gail looked at him.

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