Chapter 2: Hallucinations

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No one's POV:

Sun was just walking around the forest, he was really deep in it. "Why the heck did the stupid amalgamation thing even put me here?" Sun muttered to himself. "Oooo! Look here brother! It seems the sun man is lost!" An all to familiar voice said. Sun looked over, and to no surprise, he saw Bloodmoon right beside him. "Not really the best time Bloodmoon!" Sun said, clearly irritated that he was seeing the little red gremlin. "What? Don't like seeing us?" Bloodmoon asked tauntingly. "Again, not the best time." Sun said again, he could feel his rays twitching in frustration. He kept walking through the forest, hoping Bloodmoon would just go away. "Clearly your brother didn't care enough to even try to look for you! If he did, you wouldn't be here!" Bloodmoon kept taunting Sun, and Sun could feel himself started to get frustrated. "Ooo, did we strike a nerve?!" Bloodmoon asked excitedly. Sun didn't respond, he was clearly irritated, and he was just trying to find his way out of the forest. "Brother, I think we struck a nerve!!" Bloodmoon said excitedly. "SHUT UP!" Sun shouted, and with that, he had blacked out.

Bloodmoon's POV:

(A/N: Yes I'm aware Bloodmoon technically doesn't have an actual body and it's just Sun hallucinating him, but for this I'm just gonna casually make it seem like he has a body.)

Bloodmoon had struck a nerve, and he could tell Sun was really mad. But as Sun turned around, Bloodmoon noticed something off about him. Sun had red eyes instead of his normal blue eyes. "What's wrong with him?" Bloodmoon thought, and when he did, Sun had lunged on top of him and had pinned him to the ground...and Sun was twitching quite a lot as he did.

"LET US GO SUN MAN!" Bloodmoon yelled, but to no avail as Sun kept him pinned down. "How about no?!" Sun responded, his voice sounded really distorted, and it was quite odd, since nothing was wrong with his voice box. Before Bloodmoon even had time to think, he had his chest stabbed from some sort of claw that Sun just suddenly grew. "Nighty night~..." Sun said, in probably the most crazy voice he's ever had.

Sun's POV:

Sun had managed to get up, he had blacked out for a moment, but when he looked down, he saw that Bloodmoon was 'dead'... "What the..." Sun muttered, his voice was back to normal, and so were his eyes. Sun just got himself off of Bloodmoon's body and Bloodmoon had disappeared... "What even happened?" Sun asked himself, he started to walk around the forest again, still trying to find a way out.

???'s POV:

"Oh Sun...this is only the beginning of it..."

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