Chapter 8: Finding Out

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Moon's POV:

*I've noticed that Sun's been acting really off lately...his eyes keep turning red randomly and he keeps getting more and more keeps freaking me out half of the time. So I decided to try and talk to him to find out why his eyes keep changing color.* "Hey Sun?" *I asked* "Oh, hi brother!" *Sun responded, his eyes were slightly red...* "Hey, so uhm, your eyes keep randomly changing color and every time I talk to you after your eye color changes back, you just don't remember's going on?" *I asked, I sounded stern but also concerned* "Uhm...nothing!" *Sun had said back quickly, I just looked at him, knowing he was lying.* "Tell me the truth." *I said, sounding more stern now* "It's nothing!" *Sun said, seeming very insist on it being 'nothing'.* "Sun. Don't lie. What's going on." *I asked, sounding a lot more stern and serious.* "I...uhm..." *Before Sun could finish his sentence, I watched his eyes turned red. I knew I was going to get answers one way or another.*

Sun's (Void's) POV:

*I had taken control of Sun's body, just because I thought it was funny.* "Who. Are You. And what are you doing in my brother." *I heard Sun's brother, Moon, ask me.* "Who am I? My name is Void. And I don't have to answer your questions." *I said, sounding unamused by Moon being here.* "Well get out of my brother." *I just scoffed, clearly annoyed by Moon.* "No. Besides, my sister is in one of your other siblings." *I said, still unamused, though it was clear that I had shocked Moon with that information.* "Wait...there's another one of you?!" *Moon half asked and half shouted at me, to which I just nodded* "I'll let you figure out which one, because I'm not gonna tell you." *I said, before letting Sun back in control.*

Soooo I totally didn't forget that this existed

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