Part 14: Torturous Quest

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When it comes to gossip, StormGoddessNiNi's typing speed increases twofold; another message arrives right away: "They're both in City B.  It's such a coincidence.  Wei Wei, are you also there?"

Wei Wei: "Mm, I'm studying in City B."

It's not really much of a coincidence.  The server they're on is called, "Imperial Storm," and it's normal for people from City B to all be on it.  Speaking of which, maybe the Great Master and YuGong and the others are also from City B......

Wei Wei falls into a daze.

StormGoddessNiNi: "I'm in City T, 555 (boohoohoo), otherwise I would meet up with you guys.  Oh right, I have a photo of RealWater and LittleRainYaoYao together.  RealWater is actually quite handsome.  I have their photo.  Wei Wei, do you want to see it?"

Wei Wei: ">o<, not interested"

Wei Wei is not the least bit curious in what RealWaterIsScentless looks like, otherwise, she would've asked for a photo a month or two ago before they "divorced."  Another pair from the guild exchanged photos at the time, but they immediately separated after seeing how each other really looked like.  That was also when RealWater suggested trading photos; Wei Wei was caught by surprise and replied uneasily: "I don't have a digital camera, so I don't have any digital photos."  Although it was true, it clearly sounded like a fake excuse to turn him down.

Wei Wei feels that regardless of what excuse is used, it doesn't matter, as long as he understands that she has no interest in trading photos.  They are only acquaintances on the internet; they don't know who they really are in real person, so they should be cautious of exchanging photos.  Furthermore, exchanging photos when they are a "married couple" in the game suggests a possible love relationship in real life, and Wei Wei doesn't like this feeling at all.

But RealWaterIsScentless obviously didn't think the same.  Thinking back now, that was when RealWater's attitude changed.

StormGoddessNiNi continues to persuade her: "You really don't want to see it?"

Wei Wei: "No >o<"

StormGoddessNiNi feels dejected: "There's gossip but you're not interested.  Wei Wei, you're too not cute.  Oh right, you've met ASmileNaiHe, haven't you?  Is he handsome, is he handsome?"

Wei Wei is stunned in front of her computer.  She quickly replies with "no, I haven't," but she can't help but wonder if Great Master NaiHe asks to trade photos, would she be willing to?

It seems like......

She would.

What if NaiHe asks to meet her?

It seems like.......she also would.


Wei Wei is shocked from her "willingness" for both scenarios, but when she considers NaiHe's personality, she doubts that he would ask, therefore, these two scenarios will never happen.  After realizing this, she feels a bit sad.

She is able to forget anyone she has met in rivers and lakes, but as for NaiHe......

Wei Wei refuses to think further.

*** *** ***

Wei Wei didn't tell NaiHe about the bribery; it's such a small matter that it's not worth mentioning, therefore, there's no need to worry the Great Master.

A day later, Wei Wei and NaiHe are announced winners of the video contest.  They receive the rewards right away; due to the two times experience increase reward, Wei Wei immediately gets bumped up a level.

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