Part 45: Let Me Be Your Follower

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After that day, ButterflyDreams called Wei Wei to apologize.  Wei Wei told her politely that it was okay.  She was able to tell her "it was okay" so easily because Wei Wei will not consider her as a friend anymore.

Perhaps she had a reason; something she could not explain to her.  But friends shouldn't deceive and use each other like that.

ButterflyDreams seemed to realize this and can only let out a sigh.  She never contacted Wei Wei again.

Wei Wei continues to be a lively little intern.  She has become more and more familiar with the employees at Zhi Yi, but there is a downside to knowing each other too well.  For example, just the day before, when she suggested some recommendations for the family simulation content at the creativity brainstorming meeting, although everyone applauded the idea, they quickly went awry.

"Sigh, Junior Classmate, we're a group of unlucky children who have never fallen in love before.  We'll have to rely on you to come up with ideas for the family simulation gameplay."

"Yes, yes.  Just write down all the things you want to do with Big Brother Xiao.  That is creativity right there."

"Hehheh," someone snickers, "Good thing that it's not what Big Brother Xiao wants to do with Junior Classmate."

The crowd immediately laughs wickedly together, "That would be restricted content."

Wei Wei stares up to the ceiling in speechlessness and thinks in her heart.  She can already look forward to her more and more intrepid future.

Xiao Nai has an appointment to discuss partnership with a client in the afternoon, so Wei Wei, YuGong, and MoZhaHim are going to lunch together.  The mysterious master KO actually shows up with MoZhaHim.

The server gives the menu to the only female guest at the table.  Wei Wei takes the menu and hands it over to KO, "Senior KO, why don't you order?"

KO shakes his head coolly.

MoZhaHim asks feeling upset, "How come you never call me Senior Hao?"

Everyone is older than Wei Wei at the office, so Wei Wei always addresses everyone by "Senior" so and so; she even calls YuGong a Senior, boosting his already very big ego.  Wei Wei also calls Xiao Nai a Senior at work, but it's only MoZhaHim that she doesn't address him as "Senior Hao."  She calls him Senior Beauty.

Hearing MoZhaHim complain, Wei Wei explains helplessly, "......If I call you that, the Great Master will kill me."

MoZhaHim thinks for a moment and realizes the problem, so he quickly says, "It's best that you don't call me that then.  He won't kill you, he'll just kill me."

Senior Hao, Senior Hao~~~ ("Good Senior", my favorite Senior)

YuGong recites it twice and is also enlightened.  He snickers at the thought.

After ordering their dishes hastily, the three of them chat while waiting.  It's only the three of them chatting because KO doesn't talk.  As they chit chat, MoZhaHim suddenly laments, "Actually, I had a relationship in an online game before."

Wei Wei asks curiously, "With whom?  How come we've never heard about it?"

MoZhaHim explains, "It's not in 'Dream Voyage in Rivers and Lakes.'  I played a different one before that called, 'Fantasy Planet.'  I played as a doctor in it."

Although Wei Wei has never played "Fantasy Planet," she has browsed the website before and knows about the Doctor character.  Wei Wei says in shock, "You played as a female character!?"

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