Part 26: We're Family

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It's night time, and Wei Wei is twisting and turning on her small wooden bed.

Her roommates are already asleep after the Bedside Conference.  Only she is having trouble sleeping, but then again, maybe it's normal for her to not be able to sleep after going through such a day.

She turns her body once more; unable to sleep.  Wei Wei sits up while holding her blanket.  She rests her chin on her knees and sighs.  She doesn't feel worried or depressed, but she can only sigh to express all the different emotions bursting inside her.

The stuffiness in her heart seems to subside a bit after letting out a breath.

Oh, Xiao Nai.

His image floats into her head; whether he's quiet or lively, or talking or smiling.  Therefore, the feeling returns despite she has just let out a sigh.

Wei Wei sits for a long time while hugging her blanket.  She finally feels tired and wants to sleep.  Just as she falls asleep lying down, she hears movement from the bed beside her.  She falls deep asleep and doesn't know what happens.  Someone suddenly shakes her to wake up in the wee hours.  When she opens her eyes, she sees Er Xi standing beside her bed.  She says weakly, "Wei Wei, I'm having diarrhea.  I've already gone to the bathroom three times.  I don't think I can endure it much longer."

Wei Wei jumps up wide awake out of shock.  She quickly gets out of bed to find her some medicine.  The medicine doesn't help; Er Xi goes to the bathroom twice in the next half an hour.  Her face is pale.  Xiao Ling and Si Si also wake up from the noise.  Feeling worried, the three of them quickly get dressed and sends Er Xi to a clinic to see a doctor.

Since the campus' night clinic is known to be unreliable, Wei Wei and the rest don't dare to take Er Xi there.  They exit from the West entrance, stop a cab, and go to a nearby hospital.  The doctor asks about the situation, takes a sample, and advises that Er Xi has acute gastroenteritis, and needs to receive an intravenous drip.

After Er Xi falls asleep while receiving the intravenous drip, the three of them finally feel relieved.  Since there's no need for the three of them here, Wei Wei and Si Si decide to stay, while Xiao Ling goes back first.

Er Xi goes to the bathroom twice after receiving the intravenous drip, but feels a lot better afterwards.  Wei Wei and Si Si finally have time to take a nap, but uncomfortably.  Wei Wei wakes up shortly.  Er Xi also wakes up and seems to have recovered a lot.  Wei Wei lowers her head to look at her watch.  It's already 7am.

Er Xi says without much strength, "Wei Wei, was it Great Master Xiao who bought the bag of snacks?"


"Sigh~~things from the Great Master (Godly) should really not be eaten.  It cannot be digested by humans like me."

She's already like this and yet she still has time to joke around.  Wei Wei doesn't know whether to laugh or cry.  She stands up and helps Er Xi tuck the blanket.  Wei Wei can't help but be distracted when Er Xi mentions Xiao Nai.  It's already 7am.  She should call the Great Master and tell him not to wait for her.  For some reason, she feels relieved learning that she will not be able to go to self-study with the Great Master.

Her mind has already left the hospital as she stares blankly into space.  Er Xi watches her while lying down.  Although Wei Wei has always been pretty, she has gotten used to it after spending so much time with her.  But now that Wei Wei is helping her tuck the blanket gently while being absent-minded with sparkling eyes, she looks prettier than ever.

The two of them continue to think in their own heads when something suddenly blocks the light in the room.  Wei Wei instinctively lifts her head and looks towards the door.

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