Part 18: The Finals

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ButterflyDreams greets Wei Wei: "Wei Wei."

Wei Wei: "ButterflyDreams, you're also in the competition?"

ButterflyDreams: "Yeah, of course I have to take part in such a big competition."

The two chat for a little.  Although Wei Wei and BattleTheWorld aren't on good terms, she won't let this get in the way of her friendship with ButterflyDreams; it looks like ButterflyDreams also feels the same way.

They are in a competition nonetheless, so they don't chat for long; the battle begins after the 3-minute wait.

ButterflyDreams isn't an expert in PK battles, so she isn't on the leaderboard.  Her skill used to be above Wei Wei's, but since she hasn't been playing for a while, Wei Wei has caught to her with all her equipment upgrades.  Therefore, their skill level is on par.

As a result, ASmileNaiHe and BattleTheWorld are the deciding factor on which side will win.

The winning couple of this round cannot be more obvious.

After the PK battle, ButterflyDreams sends a private message: "Wei Wei, let's find a place to talk."

Wei Wei sends a nodding head smiley.

The points accumulation battle rounds end for the day.  Wei Wei and ButterflyDreams find a quiet spot to chat.

The purpose of the chat is simple; ButterflyDreams wants to invite her to rejoin the guild, but Wei Wei shakes her head to decline the offer, saying that she has many upcoming exams, so she doesn't want to spend too much time on gaming.

ButterflyDreams doesn't force her after that.

It's been a long time since ButterflyDreams has logged in, so the two of them don't have many things to talk about.  After an awkward moment of silence, Wei Wei remembers the rumor that StormGoddessNiNi told her about; she hesitates on whether to say it out or not.  Although being a busybody on somebody else's family matters isn't good, it's even worse to keep the truth from a friend, so she says reticently: "There's something that I've heard about......"

Wei Wei hasn't even finished her sentence and ButterflyDreams already knows exactly what she wants to say: "You want to talk about LittleRainQingQing, right?"

Wei Wei is a little surprised: "You know about it?"

ButterflyDreams says: "Of course.  Don't worry, I will take care of her."

She sends over a smiley and continues: "My relationship with BattleTheWorld is not something that she can destroy easily.  I've never told you before, but we're actually dating in real life.  Otherwise, I wouldn't have asked him to help me take care of the guild."

In real life?

Wei Wei is stunned but knows that it's not her place to say anything more.  After all, she has never been in a love relationship, so she really doesn't know what to say.

ButterflyDreams will probably be fine since she sounds confident about it.

From end of May to beginning of June, Wei Wei spends her time slashing her sword and reading ABCD.  In the gaming world, she and NaiHe make it to the local server's final, while in real life, classmate Wei Wei lets out a sigh as she throws away her examination paper.

"I don't have anymore past examination papers to do!  So lonely!"

Pillows are thrown at her the minute she says this.

Wei Wei grins as she hugs Xiao Ling's big and soft pillow while logging into the game.  The time is 7:30pm, which is exactly the time that the Great Master said that he would log in at yesterday.

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