T H I R T Y - N I N E

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Sitting in the back of the car next to Jaren knowing he's leaving caused me to either have my eyes glued to the window or our interlocked hands. John was half asleep on my left the whole way to the airport while Kelly and Tyler were lowly talking in the front. It was a bitter sweet feeling taking Jaren to his flight home. It would get us closer to moving in together, along with John, but it would also mean this is the last time I'll see him for a little less than a month. As I turned my attention back to our hands I see and feel Jaren's finger tap on my hand so I turn to give him my attention.

"It'll just be for a little while." He tells me with a small smile.

"A little while is still too long." I reply. He gives my hand a reassuring squeeze.

"It'll be one step closer to moving in together." He tries to be optimistic.

"Yeah, I know. I just hate that in order to be closer together we have to be far apart first."

"Calls can go a long way. I mean we've been best friends for years and, before this, had never met face to face. It's gonna be hard cause I've actually been with you. Like, have seen your whole personality, but I'm willing to wait to see you again if it means I get to see you everyday after." His words cause a smile and a blush to come to my face and I look down at our hands which he brings up to his lips and gives my hand a soft little peck.

"I didn't think you'd have such a way with words." I tell him.

"I'm smooth as butter, baby." He says giving me a goofy wink at the end.

"But you're milk." John mumbles, letting us know he's woken up from his nap.

"Well good morning Johnny boy." I say and he gives me a half wave with his eyes still shut. As I look behind his head and through the window I see a plane starting to descend. Then I turn towards the front of the car and see that the airport is within view and getting nearer. My smile falters and I turn to Jaren who is already looking at me.

"You sure you got everything Jaren?" Kelly asks as she makes the turn that leads to the parking lot of the airport.

"Yeah man, if you left anything there I'm selling it on eBay." Tyler jokes as he turns towards us in the back. I smile as Jaren lets out a small laugh while he checks his carry on.

"Yup. I've got everything." He says to them. Kelly parks and we all get out of the car. Tyler opens the trunk of his car and gets Smii7y's suitcase out, plopping it down on the floor.

"Don't be too careful with it Tyler." I joke as the suitcase wasn't set down, but practically dropped.

"There's nothing important in there anyways." He brushed it off with a wave of his hand in a joking matter.

"You're right. It's just a few articles of Wildcat merch. Nothing valuable." Jaren says as he grabs the handle of the suitcase. Kelly laughs at the banter while Tyler sticks his tongue out at Jaren. Then we all make our way into the airport.

"How much are you guys spending on gas cause of the airport trips?" I ask Kelly and Tyler since they've been the ones taking everyone for their flights.

"Too damn much, I'm gonna send you and John walking when it's your turn." Tyler replies. Kelly gives him a playful whack on the shoulder for the comment and laughs.

"Well, we could always miss our flights then stay with you guys longer." John says in a reasoning tone which led to Tyler threatening of putting John and I on the streets if we try to miss our flights.

"I can't believe you're tired of us already." I say with a smile.

"You not so much, it's those two." Tyler points at John and Smii7y who are giggling to themselves about something.

"They're probably planning how to take over our house." Kelly tells Tyler with a smile.

"Yeah, or how to burn it down." I add on. The boys notice our staring and they start laughing even more. I smile fondly and roll my eyes at their giggles. We continue walking a little bit and Jaren checks in, then we start walking to security. We continue with our jokes and the atmosphere around us is lighthearted until we get in range of the security checkpoint. The mood dampens a little bit as we all remember what comes next.

"Do you have time to stick around? Or is it like a sonic 'gotta go fast' thing?" John asks Jaren

"I've got time for some heartfelt goodbyes, everyone tell me how great I am and how much you'll miss me." Jaren jokes. We let out quiet laughs and Kelly is the first one to move.

"We'll see you soon. Don't hesitate to make plans and come visit, we love having you." She tells him as she hugs him.

"You love it but I don't." Tyler says as Kelly lets go of Jaren. Then Tyler goes and gives Jaren a hug, "Be safe dude. We'll make plans for you guys to come over again soon, alright?" Jaren nods and says a "sounds good"

"MY TURN!" John exclaims and hugs Smii7y. We all laugh at his excitement to hug Jaren as if he didn't cuddle with him a few days ago. "I'm gonna miss you so much babe. Promise you'll call as soon as you land?" John asks in a higher pitched voice.

"Yes of course honey." Jaren laughs as he agrees and hugs John back.

"I'll see you soon ok. Don't forget you're gonna be living with me." John reminds him, going back to his normal voice and letting go of Jaren.

"I can't wait." Jaren says with a smile. Then they turn to me.

"I saw a Starbucks earlier, you guys want a drink?" John asks Tyler and Kelly. The couple agrees and then the three leave.

"How convenient of them to-" I don't let Jaren finish as I rush to hug him.

"I'm gonna miss you so much." I tell him with a strained voice as tears start to form in my eyes. We stay hugging for a minute then he grabs my arms and puts me at arms length.

"I'm gonna miss you too. More than I'm gonna miss John." He replies which makes me laugh. "Don't tell him I said that though." His extra comment makes me laugh more. "It's only for a little bit, then we'll be living together and I'll be able to take you out on a real date. I'll take you to all the touristy Canada spots."

"Can I get a shirt with 'I heart Canada' on it?" I ask to lighten up my sadness

"I'll get you a million of them if you ask me to." He tells me with a warm smile. I smile back then cup his face and pull him in for a kiss. He puts his hands on my waist and kisses me back, then we hear a whistle from behind us.

"No PDA!" We hear Tyler yell. We pull apart and I bury my blushing face into Jaren's shoulder as I flip off Tyler.

"You're the worst." I say and the group laughs as they get closer to us.

"Sadly, I do have to get going." Jaren reminds us and I move away from him, giving him one last peck on the cheek. He walks over towards security, gets through with no issues, and gives us one last wave and we wave back before he's out of sight.

"You ok?" John asks as he puts his arm over my shoulders.

"Yeah, I'm ok. Mega tired though" I reply back as I lean into him. Then after a second we all make our way to the airport exit and back to the car.

(A/N: I AM SO SORRY FOR LEAVING YALL. I'm still not back as I've got a ton of things on my plate, hence why I haven't written in forever, but I'm so happy I finally got this chapter out. Hopefully you enjoy it and I hope I still have the characters in a likable way. I love all of you so much and thank you for the support and love you guys give this book. We'll see how everything works out for new chapters and such. You're the best!!! P.S I didn't reread or anything so if there's spelling mistakes I deeply and profusely apologize)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2023 ⏰

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