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A/N: (F/B) will stand for favorite band.

"(Y/N) can you please get up and feed me." John says as he jumps onto my bed waking me up in the process.

"John can't you make your own food." I say turning and shoving my face into my pillow.

"Do you really trust me enough to cook in your house?" He asks me.

"You know what, nevermind, I don't feel like having my apartment burn down.  I'll be up in a sec. Then we can go get food cause I don't wanna cook today." I respond. My voice muffled from my face still stuffed into the pillow.

"Are you still on a call with Jaren?" He asks me.

"I don't know. Check." I say sitting up rubbing my eyes. John grabs my phone and sees that Jaren and I are still on a call. John then starts to giggle which is a sign that he has something up his sleeve. I raise an eyebrow at him and he just gives me a smirk before screaming loudly into my phone. We then hear a scream and a loud thud.

"What the hell?" Jaren asks, his morning voice shining through as me and John are laughing hysterically.

"It's time to get up honey." John says while laughing.

"Babe, I need my beauty rest." Jaren replies

"John he really does, have you seen him." I say between giggles.

"Oh shut up (Y/N) with your... uh... stupid ass (H/C) hair." Jaren replies.

"Ooh, he's got you there (Y/N/N)" John says looking at me and hitting me with a pillow.

"Rude." I say hitting him with another pillow

This causes a pillow fight between me and John with some words being shared and Jaren's laughter being heard through the room. The fight ends with me continuously hitting John with my pillow as he's holding my phone.

"Smii7y. Help. She's attacking me." John says through laughter. Which causes me to start giggling and stop hitting John. John then proceeds to push me not realizing I'm gonna fall off the bed. When I hit the floor we all start giggling, but we all went silent when the people in the apartment below mine start yelling at us to shut up. Me and John look at each other then start laughing all over again.

"Ok guys. I gotta go record. Talk to you later?" Jaren says.

"Of course. Bye" I respond.

"Bye baby, I love you." John says.

Jaren starts giggling, "Love you too John."

Then he hangs up.

"I don't know about you," John starts but I interrupt.

"But I'm feeling 22?" I say.

"No, I'm hungry." John responds.

"IHOP?" I ask.

"IHOP." Then we both get up. John went back to his place to get ready while I got ready here. I changed into my (F/B) tee-shirt and some black jeans. I brushed my hair leaving it down then walked into my room to grab my phone and my black mini-backpack cause I don't feel like wearing a purse. By the time I'm ready I get a text from John saying he's gonna come pick me up and then we'll go. About 5 minutes later I get another text from John saying he's here, so I start walking out of my apartment. When I get outside my building John rolls down his window.

"Get in loser we're going to IHOP!" John yells laughing towards the end of his sentence. I laugh and get in the car. We head to IHOP while yelling the lyrics to a few bbno$ songs. We park and I immediately hop out of the car, excited for the pancakes, as John followed. I walked in with a smile on my face but it soon turned into a frown.

"Um, John. Maybe we can eat somewhere else?" I ask turning to John. The unease written on my face.

"Why? Are you ok?" He responds his eyebrows furrowed in worry.

"Yeah, just don't really want IHOP anymore." I then try to put my (H/C) hair in front of my face, but it was too late.

"(Y/N)?" Daniel asks getting up from his seat, where he was just trying to flirt with the waitress. I turn towards him. My hair moving out of my face in the process.

"Daniel. Hi." I say as John stares at me with his eyebrows still furrowed but this time in confusion.

"So... How are you doing?" He asks.

"Good. How about you?" I awkwardly respond as I tuck a strand of my hair behind my ear.

"Good. So who's this." He says gesturing to John.

"I'm John." John replies giving Daniel a subtle wave and a small smile.

"Oh so you're the John my girlfriend hangs out with more than me." Daniel states as he narrows his eyes at John, "So you lied to me, they do know what you look like. They probably even know where you live based on the amount of times you cheated on me with them." Daniel continues facing his comments towards me. John's confused look once again takes over his face.

"Actually it's ex-girlfriend, and John just recently found out where I live." I say as I look down to the floor.

"Are you lying to me again?" Daniel asks, fire in his eyes. Now before this continues, let me give you some backstory. Daniel is my ex-boyfriend who didn't understand that youtube is very time consuming. He thinks since I work from home and I'm basically my own boss I can stop doing my job whenever I want. So whenever he wanted to hang out but I said I was working he thought I was just making up an excuse. After awhile he would ask what exactly I was doing so I'd say I'm in a recording session with the boys which after awhile led him to suspicion that I was cheating on him. Daniel would mostly accuse me of sleeping with Cameron, John, or Jaren because those were the guys the fans shipped me with the most. Daniel never let me explain that Cameron and Jaren don't even live in the United States. He would argue with me all the time and some of his words did hurt but not all the time. I never told the boys about me dating him and I never thought I should considering the way he was treating me. After awhile I was done with his bullshit so I broke up with him. Now here I am, once again getting told off for supposedly cheating.

"Come on, if you're trying to make me jealous it's not working. Cause I'm not some pathetic guy who's just gonna run back into your arms, you slut." Daniel says, a smirk on his face as my vision became blurred from the tears in my eyes. That's when John steps in front of me, with a death glare on his face.

"Dude, you do not talk to a woman like that, especially not her." John states standing a few good inches over Daniel.

"I can call her whatever I want she's my girlfriend. So back off." Daniel says trying to go around John and grab my wrist, but John pushes Daniels arm away.

"No. First of all, stop calling her your girlfriend. She's your ex. Second of all, don't touch her." John says. Daniel stares at him for a second and scoffs. He then walks away. John turns around, the glare leaving, as a face of worry takes its place.

"Are you ok?" He asks me. I'm still looking at the floor trying to keep in the tears as I nod, not being able to talk because of the lump in my throat. He sighs then puts a hand on my shoulder and leads me back to his car. We get in and drive back to my apartment in silence.

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