T W E N T Y - O N E

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"Really?" I ask. John and I looked at Smii7y to see him nod happily.

"The lady said we can move in to the house in about a month." He replies. I think about it and it's a pretty good time span. I have enough time to get everything packed, help John get everything packed, talk to my landlord about moving out of my apartment. It seems like a pretty good plan.

"That's awesome dude." John says, his voice low as he continues to give me a look.

"Do you need me to leave so you guys can talk this out?" Jaren asks.

"No, we're telling you." I reply. John's look changes to one of questioning.

"Are you sure?" John asks.

"Yup." I sit down on the boys bed and they sit down on either side of me. I tell both of them the story of me and Daniel, I talk about when we met, when he got aggressive with me, how he controlled me, and how he accused me of multiple things. They both listened attentively, Jaren nodded along every once in awhile as he silently listened to me talk. Then John and I both explained how John got the bruise on his face, that's close to fully healed, and why we were arguing this morning. Once the story was over John and I turned to Jaren to see his reaction. He had a blank expression but we can see the gears turning in his head.

"So you and John were mad at each other cause you had a nightmare about your toxic ex-boyfriend, who beat up John, and you never told John how Daniel hurt you physically?" Jaren asks for clarification.

"We're not mad at each other. But yes." John replies. I look up at him confused cause I thought he was mad, John grabs my hand and gives me a squeeze, assuring me he's not mad.

"Can you go home?" Jaren asks. I scrunch up my eyebrows in confusion.

"What do you mean?" I reply.

"Well, Daniel went to your apartment, meaning he knows where you live." That's when I finally realized it, I'm not completely safe yet.

"I guess it's a good thing we're moving then." I reply. We all sit in silence.

"Happy Fourth of July." John says breaking the silence and we start giggling. The tension in the air has lifted and now we decided to walk out and hang out with everyone. Everyone is ready for Fourth of July, dressed in sort of festive clothes. Some people were preparing the food that the boys wanted to barbecue. It was just basic burgers, hot dogs, and fries. While others were getting the drinks out such as sodas, waters, and beers. When we came down we were greeted with smiles and instructions.

"(Y/N) can you help me prepare the meat for the burgers." Kelly asks me as she's standing at the counter in the kitchen.

"Um sure." I reply and move away from the boys towards Kelly.

"So tomorrow is our girls day. You ready?" Kelly asks as she grabs the meat from the fridge.

"Yup. I'm sorry for not hanging out with you and Chrissy that much." I respond feeling kind of bad for spending my time with John and Jaren more than anyone.

"It's fine, I get it, you wanna spend time with lover boy." She giggles at the end of her sentence as I blush.

"Lover boy?" Chrissy asks coming up behind me, setting her arms on my shoulders and hugging me like that, "has he made a move yet?" She asks me.

"Good morning, and no, I don't think he ever will make a move." I reply.

"Oh shut up, he totally likes you. More than just a best friend." Kelly says, she's almost done with everything she just needs me to help her shape the patty's. We wait a bit and then she finally asks me to help shape them. I move away from Chrissy and she sits on the counter opposite of where me and Kelly are. After Kelly asked me to shape them Tyler and John come inside.

"Woah, are you guys beating meat. I'm good at that, want me to help?" John asks. I laugh and roll my eyes.

"No, I think we got it. Don't want to strain your arm." I reply. We all laugh and Tyler goes and hugs Kelly from behind, "what, are you guys gonna recreate that scene in ghost." Tyler gives me a look then closes his eyes and rests his head on Kelly's shoulder.

"Are you even comfortable?" John asks. I look and laugh at the big height difference between the couple. Tyler is bending down a lot to put his head on her shoulder.

"Holy shit, Sasquatch is in the kitchen." Anthony yells while laughing as he walks into the kitchen with his camera.

"Stop making fun of me." Tyler yells at us and we continue laughing. Our conversation continued as Kelly and I finished preparing the patty's. Kelly puts them in the fridge as Anthony and Tyler go outside with the rest of the boys. John stayed inside and leaned against the counter next to Chrissy. Kelly and I are washing our hands and we laughed about something John said.

"So since the boys are gone, minus me, girl talk." John says, his voice going into a higher pitch when saying girl talk. I giggle as I turn towards him.

"Yes, go tell Jaren to ask her out dude." Chrissy tells him.

"I agree." Kelly adds on. I roll my eyes as a blush comes onto my face.

"I don't have that much power." John replies putting his hands up in defense.

"John, you're his best friend." Kelly tells him.

"I'm her best friend too, but when I tell her to go for it she doesn't do it." John points at me.

"It's called a fear of rejection dude. What happens if I ask him to go out with me and he says no. Do you know how awkward that would be?" I finally speak.

"You guys are already moving in together." John points out.

"With you." I reply.

"You guys are moving in together." Chrissy asks, eyes wide and a smile on her lips.

"Yeah, once we get back home John and I have to start packing." I say.

"All I'm saying, is I don't know why you guys just don't go out already. It's obvious you guys like each other, and you guys would look cute together." Kelly says.

"Who would look cute together?" Jaren asks walking into the kitchen. We all went silent and our eyes went wide. Jaren continued to stand there looking at us as his cup filled up with water. He scrunches his eyebrows before looking towards John, "John?" Jaren asks.

"(Y/N) and someone." John replies.

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