T W E N T Y - N I N E

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Waking up in the arms of the person you've been crushing on for awhile is amazing, you know what's not amazing, waking up to the sound of your friends giggling about you waking up in the arms of the person you've been crushing on. I didn't even open my eyes, all I did was give them the finger which caused them to burst out laughing and scramble away. Except for one.

"Well that's not very nice of you." John says chuckling.

"It's not very nice to be watched when you're asleep either." I reply now opening my eyes. Jaren's arms are still around me and since I moved to talk to John his grip got a bit tighter. John seemed to notice Jaren's grip on me and smiled a smile that shows he has an idea.

"What?" I ask him. He giggles and comes closer to me to whisper his idea in my ear.

"Let's switch." He says. I smile and nod my head to show my agreement.

"How're you gonna get him off of me though?" I ask. He puts a hand to his chin in thought.

"Why don't you just say you're gonna get a water or something?"

"Yeah, ok." I then turn to Jaren, "Jaren..." no response. "Jaren." Nothing. I turn to John and shrug my shoulders.

"Just try wiggling out then." He says. So I start slowly moving. I lift the arm that was around my waist and roll out of his arms. I continue holding his arm up as John rolls into my original spot. I set Jaren's arms around John and John wraps his arm around Jaren. I start silently laughing as Jaren cuddles up into John. I then head into the kitchen to show everyone else.

"Guys, guys." I say walking in seeing Chrissy, Scott, Kelly, Tyler, Craig, and Anthony talking at the table.

"Hey, you're awake. We're gonna go to the mini golf place today. So go get ready, where's Jaren?" Kelly says. I start laughing when she mentions Jaren.

"He's still asleep, he's got a new cuddle buddy though."

"Huh?" Tyler asks getting up.

"Anthony, where's your camera?" I ask looking at Anthony who raises his hand to show his camera attached to it by a strap.

"Do I need it?"

"Yes, now come on." I then lead the way with the others following. As soon as they see the mop of bleached blonde hair they start laughing. Anthony turns on his camera as we get closer.

"Hey guys." John says in the little voice he uses causing us to laugh. We see Jaren move a bit and we all shut up. Then he opens his eyes.

"Morning sunshine." I say.

"What are you guys doing?" He asks closing his eyes again and then burying his face in John's hair. I cover my mouth to keep from laughing.

"Just watching the happy couple sleep." Tyler answers.

"Oh, ok." Then his head shoots up, "John?"

"Yes baby?" John says and we all laugh.

"Just making sure it's you." Then Jaren cuddles up to John again while laughing.

"We're going to the mini golf place by the way." Tyler tells Jaren.

"What time is it?" I ask.

"12:52." Scott says checking his phone. I give him a thumbs up then head to the room I'm staying in, putting my phone on the charger while I get ready. (A/N: I'm too lazy to put a legit outfit so y'all can just imagine whatever you'd like.)  As soon as I'm ready I put my hand on the doorknob a knock is heard.

"Ready dummy?" John asks. I open the door to see him smiling.

"Yup. Piggy back?" I ask and he dramatically sighs and turns around, bending down so I can jump on his back. I smile and jump, then once I'm secure he starts walking downstairs. When we make it to the bottom I see everyone sitting on the couch on their phones.

"Let's go!" John yells and then spins around in a circle causing me to squeal. Everyone then gets up and we head to Tyler and Anthony's cars. John, Jaren, Anthony, and I were in Anthony's car while everyone else went with Tyler. Anthony got in with his camera and handed it to John once he got in the drivers seat. As soon as I got in the car I called Tyler, putting it on speaker.

"What do you want I literally just saw you." He answers.

"No need to get aggressive, I just wanted to know if you wanted to race." I ask. Anthony raises an eyebrow at me and I can see the confusion through his sunglasses.

"A race?" Tyler asks.

"Yeah, you know the way there, right Anthony?" I ask.

"Yeah." He replies.

"Ok, then let's go." I say, now directing my comment to Tyler.

"Are you sure, I don't want you crying when we win." Tyler says laughing.

"You're on Tyler, just because you beat me in Mario kart doesn't mean you'll beat me IRL too." Anthony says then hangs up my phone, "Smii7y, put on some hype music." Anthony says. Jaren smiles and nods his head, typing on his phone. I see Kelly roll down her window and wave her hand out so I roll down mine.

"On your mark, get set," She yells. Then Smii7y blares the Tokyo drift song causing us to laugh.

"GO!" She yells. Then we're off. Tyler leading the way.

"Look, no ones coming, you can pass him up here." I tell Anthony as we're driving down a road. He does as I say and John flips off Tyler as we pass causing me to laugh. In the end, we did win because Tyler got caught at a red light when it was green for us.

"What was that about you winning?" I ask getting out of the car with a smirk.

"Yeah yeah, whatever. Rematch on the way back?" He asks.

"Hell yeah." Anthony says.

"Now let's go hit some balls in holes." I yell.

"YEAH!!" Everyone yells back, fists in the air.

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