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The drive there was fun, John was in charge of music so you can just imagine Tyler's face when John, Jaren, and I started screaming the lyrics to the songs John played. Tyler parked in the Walmart parking lot and we started getting out. Jaren opened his door then let me out on his side, I gave him a thank you and walked to everyone.

"Ok, so we can either do I get the fireworks and all of you go get the groceries or we split up." Tyler says putting the keys in his pocket.

"Well do you have a list of what we need or a budget or something?" I ask.

"No, we got that youtube money baby! We can get whatever we want." Tyler answers.

"Correction, you got the youtube money, I have a bunch of demonetized videos." John says and we all start laughing.

"So what's happening?" Mini asks.

"I'll get groceries." Me, John, and Smitt all say at the same time. We look at each other then laugh.

"But you three," Tyler points to us, "need adult supervision." All three of us groan.

"No we don't, we'll be fine." I say, John, Jaren, and I then turned around and spotted a shopping cart. Mind you we were still in front of everyone

"Guys, go in the shopping cart and I'll push you around." John says. Me and Jaren turn to each other and start giggling. John grabs the cart to hold it steady as me and Jaren climb in. It was a tight fit but we figured it out with Jaren sitting back, me in between his legs, and my back against his chest. Then John starts pushing us around the parking lot, first going at a fast walk, then starting to run. Everyone in the group was laughing and recording our childish antics.

"Are you guys ready?" John asks, a devilish smirk on his face.

"For what?" Jaren asks through laughs. But me and Jaren didn't need to wonder anymore because with one big push John was no longer holding onto the cart. Jaren has one arm holding the rim of the cart and the other wrapped around me as we both laugh. John, along with everyone else, is on our side running next to us in case we hit something we get closer towards the store and are about to hit the curb when Tyler grabs the cart to stop us.

"Yeah you guys totally don't need adult supervision." He says laughing, "Now get out." He says. I try getting out but since they're wasn't much room I couldn't get up. I turn to Jaren and he shrugs his shoulders.

"There's a slight problem... I can't get up." I say giving an awkward smile. John snickers before coming to help. Tyler held the front of the cart and Mini held the handles so that we have balance. John picks me up and out of the cart while Scotty, Chrissy, and Anthony are recording the whole ordeal and laughing. I plant my feet on the ground giggling and Jaren climbs out of the cart.

"So I'll go with them to the store. While you guys get the fireworks." Anthony says holding his vlogging camera he's been recording us with. We all agree on that so we all headed inside the Walmart. John, Smii7y, Anthony, and I head to the grocery section while the rest of the group walks to wherever Tyler is going to get the fireworks.

"So Tyler said we can get anything. So we need drinks and snacks." I said turning to the boys.

"Ok, that's what we need. Now what do we want?" Jaren responds.

"A girlfriend." John replies. I laugh and Jaren just gasps putting a hand to his chest in a offended manner.

"But John, what about us?" Jaren asks which causes me and Anthony to laugh more.

"I'm sorry baby, but it feels like we've grown apart." John grabs Jaren's other hand and turns away. Anthony is still recording while we're both giggling.

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