when a rumor is spread about you . 2

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↳ as someone who is dating such an attractive man, even if he is a low-class greaser, you face a surprising amount of backlash from others. when the rumor starts spreading that you're only with him for attention, some people at his work/social life are bound to talk a lie. part 2. sodapop

soda: much unlike his older brother Darry, Sodapop had a very expressive heart, and face. he was kind most times, playful, and most importantly, sensitive. not exactly physically or mentally, but sensitive when it comes to you and people he deeply cares about. so when he comes home not super rowdy, bothering you for food, cuddles, or something, you definitely know somethings up.

you went almost the whole evening just watching him act strangely, quietly, and almost like he was uncomfortable. you finally (but accidentally) broke the silence as you, soda and the whole gang were resting out in the dark backyard, having a bonfire, catching everyone by surprise.

"Soda, why are you just completely ignoring me?? you've been silent almost all day, barely interested in even coming out with all of us, even though these bonfires were YOUR idea, and it's killing me!" you exclaimed, slightly huffing from saying that all in one breath. soda just looked at you almost wide eyed, along with everyone else.

you took a glance at the 'audience' around you both. a shocked darry and pony, a mildly uncomfortable johnny, and a quietly snickering dally and two-bit, and steve who simply gave soda a side eye. the group was roasting marshmallows (except for two-bit, he was just straight up eating the chocolate), so for such a nice way to spend the night, that was surely a show to put on.

"i'm sorry i'm a bit sad about the fact that you're just dating me for more attention.. I cant relate, i actually loved you for you." he turned his head looking away from you and continued to eat his toasted marshmallow.

you could tell he was trying his best to look un-phased but he was very bad at it. even Darry knew, because right after, he intervened.

"now what is this talk about y/n dating you just for attention? after all the stuff you two've done together, you have to know that's not true." he said, sticking up for your side.

"well clearly steve here seems to think something's off. told me all about everyone talking about y/n only dating me because of my looks or- or to gain popularity. yeah, thats a real nice memory." he almost glared at darry and then you.

"what??" you called out, looking at steve.

"hey, dont pin this all on me! I heard it from some group at the station, those guys and their girlfriends that always come in for gas. said she was only datin' a lower class greaser like you, soda, because you were decent lookin'. and as your best friend, obviously i'm gonna tell you so you dont find out the hard way." he said, defending his actions.

you just glare at steve and soda in disbelief. "so just because you heard something as crazy as that from a group of self centered people who obviously dont like me, you automatically decide to believe them?? wow, thought you had a little more trust in me than that" you looked away, trying your best to silently handle the emotions going through you, so they dont all pour out in front of everyone.

it was silent for a few moments, but it felt like hours. "man, we have got. to have more of these bonfires, who knew they could be so intense and entertaining" dally grinned, getting up from his chair.

"i'm getting another drink, who wants one?" he said as the six of them stood up, leaving you and soda outside alone together. the environment was still silent, uncomfortable and tense, but you knew you weren't dating soda just for his looks or popularity, so you had nothing to feel bad about, except maybe bursting out like you did.

"it's really not true..?" soda finally asked.

"of course not. if i were just dating you because youre hot, this whole relationship would have not worked out like years ago! i love you because you're fun to be with ALL the time, youre dramatic, adorable, sweet, and you dont hide who you are or try to be someone youre not. thats why i'm with you." you explained.

soda definitely felt bad now, but when you put it like that, it makes sense.

"yeah.. you're right. i'm so sorry.. i normally never believe silly stuff like that but when steve of all people told me.. it hit hard, y'know..? it was stupid of me."

your face softened and you looked over at soda. "yeah, i get it. there's just no way i'd ever do something like that to jeopardize our relationship. you're stuck with me, even when you believe dumb stuff like that" you giggled, grabbing hold of his hand.

"yeah yeah.. lets just forget this happened because i know everyone's gonna be teasin' me about this for at least the next month. I could use a drink, how about you?" he asked, standing up with you.

"sure, c'mon." you kissed the back of his hand and walked into the living room where everyone else was, joining the group once again.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2023 ⏰

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