Chapter 1

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   "Today we are here to discuss the case of Goku and Goku Black" King Cold stated

   "Goku for your defense we hired the best lawyer we could find, she has traveled across time and space and defied logic itself to be with us today. Goku meet Yanfei from the Liyue Legal Consaltancy, or whatever it was called" King Cold said pointing to Yanfei "And for Goku Black's lawyer, it's Zamasu"

   "Actually, your honor, I'm a legal advis-" Yanfei started

   "Details, details, whatever" King Cold cuts her off

   "Excuse you, mortal, this is unfair, Zamasu has no experience in the field! I should know because he's me!" Black declared, glaring at King Cold

   "But he doesn't look like you?" King Cold said confused

   'I swear to lord Zeno. . .' Black thought face paling

"Ahem!" Vegeta huffed

   "Hmm? Oh right! today our first witness is Vegeta, you may now speak" Cold replied

   "When I first layes eyes on him I knew something was up, when we fought the 2nd time, when he explained he stole Kakarrot's body, I saw clearly that he was an imposter, he knew nothing about the cells of a saiyan and how hard we worked to get stronger!" Vegeta yelled

   "Ha! You decided to steal the body of that monkey?!" Freiza laughed

   "Now now, my little princess it's not nice to laugh at them to their face, laugh at them when they aren't around" Cold told Freiza

   "Um, excuse me but can we go on? I'm hungry " Goku groaned " Oh, can we have a lunch break?"

   "Goku! you just had breakfast not that long go!" ChiChi yelled

   "But ChiChi that was like four hours ago!"

"Goku, that was an hour ago!"

   "Yeah, but it feels like four. . ." Goku whined

   "Goku, we can eat later, but right now we have to finish the trial" Bulma declared

"Finnnnnneeeeee" Goku whined

   "Ok, caring on, Vegeta you can go, baldy it's your turn"  Cold told Krillin

   "It's Krillin, sir" Krillin corrected walking up to the witness box

   "I like my version better, anyways give your statement so this can be over with" Cold said

   "Well, you see,BLACK LITERALLY KILLED ALOT OF PEOPLE!" Krillin boomed

"And I would do it again" Black admitted

   "Now baldy, this isn't a murder case, this is about Identity Theft" Cold repiled "Now the next witness please!"

   Krillin scoffed as he left the witness box and future Trunks walked up and took a seat in the witness chair.

   "Finally! our last witness, you can now give your statement. . . " Cold sighed

   "Um, your honor, we started this trial not that long ago" Future Trunks replied

  "Whatever, just gave your statement so we can have a lunch break, and we can decide blacks fate" Cold said

   Goku perked up when the word lunch was announced. "Lunch? did he say lunch?" Goku asked

   "Anywayyyyysss, when Black showed up in my original time-line  looking just like Goku, we knew he couldn't be him because we knew Goku would never hurt anyone, and the Goku in my time-line is dead" Future Trunks stated

Cold looked up from cleaning his nails "Hm? oh! um, very interesting! lunch break!"

Goku stood up so fast his chair flew backwards "Yes! Finally! Food!" He exclaimed happily

    And then everyone walked out to get Cheeseburgers  even the suspicious cloaked man that would say "you're a wizard harry" and Goten and Trunks in their disguise and that guy that won't stop slowly peaking around the corner singing "I always feel like somebody's watching me~"

By: Lunar Moon

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