Chapter 2

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   After everyone had gotten their Cheeseburgers they went back to the courtroom.

   "I have made a decision " King Cold said " I here declare Goku Black and Goku! Guilty! And be sent to prison for two years!"

   " WAIT WHAT?! YOU CAN'T DO THAT!" ChiChi and Bulma screamed.

   "Whatever it's decided, let's go whis!" Beerus declared.

   "But Beeru-" Krillin started.

   "But nothing baldy, I'm gonna go eat and take a nap" Beerus stated with a yawn.

  "There's no point in arguing with him, when he says something he does exactly what he says" Whis sighed as he and Beerus stood up from their seats and teleport to Beerus's planet.

                *                  *                  *

   And then Goku Black and Goku are then sent to prison and taken to their cell. Where they got some cool looking what they believe to be ankle training weights. And they also get a cellmate that's none other then Cell.

   "Cell? What are you doing here?" Goku asked.

   "Freiza tried to recruit me into his space gang thing, but when I refused he had his daddy throw me in here" Cell said with a shrug.

   "Mortals, you sleep on the floor, you aren't worthy enough to sleep on the same bunk bed as me" Black says taking the top bunk.

   "No fair! Black! I wanted the top bunk!" Goku whined.

   "To bad I got it first" Black arguing back.

   " You guys can have the bunk bed, I'll just sleep on the floor in a sleeping bag or something" Cell says as Goku and Black are still arguing about the top bunk.

   A few hours later after the bunk bed argument was resolved with Goku finally admitting defeat and taking the bottom bunk and then taking a nap and Black and Cell deciding to play Gofish on the floor. A guard come to get them to take them to the cafeteria for lunch.

   Black grabbed food and sat down with Goku and Cell, who grabbed 3 times as much as Black did, they started to eat their food. Black was buttering his biscuit, when a guy with long hair in dreadlocks  came up  and stole his biscuit  and took a bite of it.

   "Hello newbies, I came to tell you guys the rules here, I'm  Mr. Figgy" The guy with dreadlocks said as Black glared at him.

   "HI, I'm Goku" Goku says.

   "More like Mr . Piggy " Black added, which made Goku burst out laughing.

   " Something funny? Spikey?" Mr. Figgy asked.

   " It's nothing, Black just said something funny" Goku said.

   "Racist" Goon 1 said.

   "Huh? no that's his nickname, his real name is Goku Black" Goku explained.

   "Then call him Goku then" Goon 1 replied.

   "We can't because I'm Goku, and then I'll be confusing" Goku said with a sigh.

   "Can't you just call him Evil Goku?" Cell asked.

   "Nah, that sounds dumb" Goku told Cell.

   " As I Was Saying!" Mr. Figgy said stealing Black's other biscuit, causing Black to get even angrier. " The newbies and weakling give their food to us and be used as punching bags".

   " Is that so Piggy?" Black muttered drinking his tea.

   " What was that Tea bag" Mr. Figgy  asked, while Black glared at him for calling him 'Tea bag'.

   " What did you just call me" Black asked.

   " He said nothing! here you go you can take these, bye!" Goku declared, shoving some of Cell's food into their arms and pushing them away.

   Just when Goku was about to eat what he had left of his food, a food fight broke out. It was like all hell broke loose, all you could see was people throwing food at each other.

   When Goku decided to try and ignore the food fight, someone decided it would be funny to throw gravy in his hair. And they must of had good aim because they got it all in his hair and it started dripping down his face.

   " All man, this isn't even good gravy" Goku said whipping off the gravy with his arm.

   " No one ever said prison food was good" Cell stated.

   " Yeah, I know but I at least expected it to be decent gravy, it's just plain bad it's no wonder someone throw it, but why at me?" Goku whined.

   "Mortals . . . " Black muttered, just then someone throw Mac & Cheese at Black.

  " Ha! bullseye!" Someone yelled, Black looked over his shoulder to see it was Mr. Figgy.

    " So, that's how you want to play it, huh piggy?" Black said raising from his seat. He then grabbed the first food he seen, which was confidenceily Goku's whip cream pie, with Goku protesting with gravy still dripping down his face.

   " Hey, Mr. Piggy!" Black yelled.

   " Excuse me" Mr. Figgy asked facing Black, but as soon as he did Black throw the pie right in his face.

   "Ha! bullseye!" Black said mimicking Mr. Figgy.

   Black then walked out to Train, with Goku whining about how that pie was the last one left and Cell following to train as well.

By: Lunar Moon

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