Chapter 5: The Food Tray Incident.

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Goku and Cell woke up, Goku put on his boots then stood up. He looked up to Goku Black's bunk, where he was still sleeping with the blanket pulled over his head. Goku tapped Goku Black's shoulder, "Come on, Black. Aren't you gonna get up to get some breakfast?"

In a tired voice he responded "Ugh. Go away, I'll get something to eat later."

Goku looked at Cell, but he just shrugged and walked out the door. "Okay, then I'll save you some of the good food, so you're not stuck with the nasty food if you decide to have breakfast." Goku then left the room leaving Goku Black to sleep in.

Goku got in the lunch line (breakfast line?) behind Cell. Goku reached for a muffin, but before he could actually grab the muffin, a chunky little kid grabbed it before he could. The child then walked off with the muffin, with another kid with a bit of yellow hair on top of his head and a blue coat trailing behind. The muffin in speaking was the last muffin available. Goku sat down at the table where Cell was sitting, still upset that the kid stole the last muffin.

Cell, noticing that Goku had an upset expression, sighed. "What has made you upset this time?"

"A kid with a blue hat that had a yellow puff ball on it, and a red coat, stole the last muffin I was gonna save for Goku Black."

"Wait... There are children here. I thought they go to different facilities than the adults do." Cell said with a puzzled expression.

"Well if they do or they don't, it still doesn't change the fact that that kid stole the last muffin." Goku huffed.

"Oh calm your horses, I'm sure Goku Black can live without that muffin." Cell sighed. "Speaking of the devil, there he is." Goku Black sat down with a groan and sat his chin upon his hand. Goku Black had dark circles under his eyes. "What's up with you? You look sleep deprived."

Goku Black stared daggers at him. "Oh, like you look much better, you stink bug."

"I prefer the term Cicada." 

"Whatever..." Goku Black scoffed.

"Oh! Goku Black! I ask gonna ask-" Goku was then suddenly cut off by some shouting across the room. "What the heck."

Across the room the the chubby kid that took the last muffin was on Mr. Figgy's shoulders repeatedly smashing his tray over Mr. Figgys head, while Mr. Figgy covered his head and his buddies tried to pull the kid off of him.

"I'M NOT FAT! I'M BIG BONED" The kid yelled as he continued his assault on Mr. Figgy.

"Quite an interesting show, if I do say so myself. I'm glad I came here." Goku looked over to see who spoke. It was a red deer man with a staff and wearing a suit, bow, and a monocle.

"Who are you?" Goku asked.

The deer man then look at Goku, "Oh where are my manners! Alastor, a pleasure to be meeting you sir, quite a pleasure." Alastor extended his arm towards Goku.

"I'm Goku!" Goku did his little salute.

Alastor dropped his hand and put his hands behind his back."Oh! Well it looks like things are getting more interesting over there!"

The kid that was beating up Mr. Figgy somehow knocked him to the ground and was now kicking him repeatedly. Until Mr. Figgy's #1 best man (Jacky John) tries to grab the kid,but he swiftly gained a kick in the nuts. And now he was knocked to the ground getting kicked repeatedly.

"Cartman! Don't you think you kicked them enough?" The boy with the yellow hair and blue jacket asked.

Cartman then turned around and faced him. "What! Do you want some too butters?!"

"N-No" Butters stated.

"That's what I thought! Now who else what's some of this!" Cartman then turned to where Mr. Figgy's other friends were, but they had just vanished. "Kool." Cartman then sat back at his table and ate his food like none of that happend.

"God damn, that kid got attitude." Cell stated.

                      *           *          *

After their usual routine of training out in the yard, they all went back inside because it was getting dark. All except Goku Black, he leaned against the wall as if he was waiting for someone.

"You there other me?" A voice asked from the top of the wall. Zamasu was sitting on top of the wall.

Goku black sighs " Yes Zamy, I'm here."

Zamasu dropped from the wall, right next to Goku Black.

"Well, you don't sound to happy to see me." Zamasu says.

"Why would I? You could be caught, then thrown in here with me. Not to mention that you have me staying up so late just to meet you when I could be getting my beauty sleep." Goku Black huffed.

"What's wrong with trying to sneak you out of here? Do you really want to spend your time here then with me?" Zamasu stated with his hand on his hips.


"You probably like spending more time with Son Goku then with me!" Zamasu replied angrily.

Goku Black his pinched his nose, " Oh for the love of Zeno... No I don't, Goku is a very big dumbass, I would rather be spending my time killing the mortals. Also even if I agreed to leave with you. I can't leave."

"And why is that?"

"You see these ankle chain things, These prevent me for leaving. Believe me when I first got here I tired to fly away but when I did a force field that prevented me from leaving. I tried breaking off the ankle weight, but it just won't come off." Goku Black stated, glaring at the ankle weight.

"Oh like I would believe that." Zamasu stated as he crossed his arms and huffed.

Before Goku black could respond a guard yelled at him that he needs to return to his cell.

"Bye Zamy" Goku Black says as walks back to the building and Zamasu leaps over the wall before he could be spotted.

Hopefully this time Goku Black can get a good night's sleep.

A/N posted Sat, April 20th 2024, 1:01 a.m.

Sorry I didn't post this sooner. I got stuck at one spot for the longest time but finally figured it out

The next chapter that I will finish next should be the If Frieza was there part 3.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 20 ⏰

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