Chapter 4

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    When Goku woke up, Cell and Black were leaving the cell.

    "Are you guys going to Breakfast without me?" Goku asked with a yawn and got up from his bed.

    "You already slept through breakfast, we're going to lunch". Black states

    "What! why didn't you wake me up!?" Goku complained.

    "Because you're a headache" Black muttered

    "What's for lunch?" Goku asked

    "Does it look like I know? find out when we get there" Black replied walking off to the lunch room.

    After they got their plates stocked with food, they looked for a place to sit, but the only spot left was by a loner with white shoulder length hair, tan skin, red eyes, and a large egyptian-looking headpiece.

    "Yo, can we sit here?" Goku asked the loner

    "Where else are we going to sit, moron" Black said sitting down

    The loner then turned around and said "Why did the chicken cross the road?"

    He then proceeded to wait for an answer, and when none came, he said "Because he was at a crosswalk"

    Goku thought for a moment,Then burst into laughter "Oh, I get it"

    The loner then looked at Black, "Oh? Did you not get it? Ok, let me explain. You see, a crosswalk is a portion of the road connecting two sidewalks for pedestrians to cross at, and the act of crossing the road while not at a crosswalk is called jaywalking, which is illegal-"

    "Ok,ok, we get it" Black declared

    "Sorry, I assumed you did not understand the joke due to your silence. Anyways, my name is Cyno, I am the General Mahamatra at the Sumeru Academia. I am only here for a few days since apparently the other staff members could not handle how hilarious my jokes are."

    "Sue-Mar-oo Aca-demi-a? I never heard of that place before." Goku said, having finally stopped his laughter.

    "Ok, so you see, Sumeru is a region of lands in Teyvat known as 'The Nation of Wisdom' and the Sumeru Academia is located in sumeru city, and is the place where all the scholars of Sumeru study their selected topic. Every scholar is also a part of one of six darshans; Amurta, Haravatat, Kshahrewar, Rtawahist, Spantamad, And Vahumana. Amruta studies mainly biology, Haravatat studies semiotics-"

    "Stop talking already, before you make me do something I might or might not regret" Black warned then went back to eating his chicken 'n noodles.

    Ignoring Black's warning, Cyno then asked them both why they were in prison "I told you why I'm in here, so it only makes sense for you to do the same."

    "Well, I'm here because Black stole my identity," Goku said pointing at Black.


    "Well, my wife ChiChi wanted me to take Black to court to sue him because he stole my body using the Dragon Balls and then stole my identity and because of that, now me and Black are now in prison serving two or three years" Goku said counting his fingers "And Cell says he in here for not joining Freiza's Army or whatever"

    "What the- ok, who on earth was incharge of your case? As General Mahamatra, I know that that's *not* how court procedures are supposed to work."

    "I think the judge was Freiza's dad, King Cold, Also, what does procedures mean?" Goku asked with a confused grin on his face.

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