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5 years later...

*Aria's POV*

"CARMEN ADDISON, LANDON JAMES AND MAKENNA ANNE! YOU THREE BETTER BE READY AND DOWN THEM STAIRS IN 3-2-1!" I screamed up, the stairs of my four bedroom house, to my kids.

"Coming mom! Kenz had trouble getting her shoes on!" Carmen, now eight years old, said walking down the stairs with Landon and MaKenna following close behind.

"Mommy! Landon stole my teddy!" MaKenna said.

I rolled my eyes at the three children and just shook my head. "Landon give Kenna her teddy back and all three of you need to go get in the car. I'm already late as it is!" I told them.

They quickly went out the door as I grabbed my purse, phone, and keys. I locked the door and headed to my 2012 Kia soul. It's a bit old but runs like new so I love it.

I had to get a new car one I had Kenna since the jeep wouldn't do for me, her, and Carmen. I still have the jeep though and we can all fit in it it's just older.

Landon. My sweet little turtle. He technically isn't mine. I had adopted him after being given guardianship when his mom died. Landon's mom you may ask? Katie Davis. The whole arguments and fight with Liam and everyone was because she was pregnant! She didn't know what to do so of course she being her self pushed us all away and on May 17th gave birth to little Landon James Payne. After I adopted him I decided to let him keep his fathers last name.

MaKenna, I didn't even know I was pregnant with her until I was five months! I barely gained weight or anything so I just thought the few missed periods was from stress over Carmen.

Carmen, my surviver. She had her surgery and as you can tell made it though. She's been cancer free for a few years now. Her hair had all fallen but, you never could tell she was sick if it wasn't for that. Now though, her hair is still blonde with just not as many curls and waves.

I am on my way to work with the kids since I work at Marnie Arena. One of my friends parents is the owner of the place so they offered me a job to organize activities for kids and allowed me to bring mine along to work with me as long as I get my work done. I couldn't let a job that were my kids can come with me that pays better than the daycare slip through my fingers.

I pulled up to the Arena and parked the car, ushering the kids out I headed inside and to my office.

"Morning Ari, Car, Ken, and Lan!" Carson, my co-worker, greeted us.

"Morning!" We all said back in unison.

"Who is performing tonight? I saw the crew setting up I just didn't have time to look and see who for." I asked Carson.

"That boyband that everyone still drools over from years ago." She said with an annoyed tone.

"Why me!?" I shouted up to the ceiling.

"Mom is she talking about da-"

"Don't you finish that sentence Carmen and yes she is..." I snapped at her.

"Can I see them!? Please? Mom I haven't seen them in years! You only let me talk to Hannah!!" Carmen fussed.

"I'll think about it. Go take your brother and sister to my office get them busy and then come back here and we will talk." I instructed her to do. After she walked away I sighed and put my head in my hands and slid down to the floor.

"Aria, want me to take your shift tonight?" Carson asked sitting down next to me.

"No, I need to face him sometime. Just be here to keep Landon and MaKenna away from all of them! Please?" I asked her.

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