My Secrets

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Chapter 1

My name is Aria, I'm 17 and I have many secrets only a few are known. The one most known is my secret love for One Direction. Right now they are touring America and are in Florida! Me and Katie started screaming are heads off at the fact that we had tickets to the concert on friday.

As soon as we found out we planned a trip to the mall the next day to go and find new 1D t-shirts or buy stuff to design some..... BAD IDEA! We totally need to find some or our shirts will probably have to be hidden.

The Next Day

I woke up around 10:30am and took a quick shower when I was done I slipped on my favorite black skinnies, pink v-neck, and converse. I grabbed my Vera Bradley hipster and car keys before I ran out the door to go get Katie.

When I got to her house I texted her to hurry her ass up. While I was waiting for to get in the car I pulled up twitter and was checking my timeline when I saw a tweet from Harry!

@Harry_Styles : Orlando! Day off! :)

I then sent a reply to him which will probably never get seen,

@arialovesyou3 : @Harry_Styles have fun in the lovely city I live in! :)

By time I hit send Katie was in the car and putting her seatbelt on good girl! Ok brain stop thinking she's a dog. Katie then punched my arm.

"what was that for!?" I asked while rubbing the spot she hit.

"I know your thinking ways Hale! You more than likely was saying good girl in your head" shit how does she know that!

"never!" she had a smirk on her face like yea i know you so did. "love you Katie!"

"haha I knew u did" I stuck my tongue out at her and pulled out onto the road so I could drive us to the mall.

I pulled into the food court parking lot where we usually park and as usual it was still pretty empty but who is going to go to a mall on wednesday this early. Apparently us. We walked in and went strait to HotTopic because they usually had shirts like that. We got lucky they did! After that we walked around and decided to go into Aeropostale to look at some clothes since the summer line just came out a few days ago. when we walked in we saw a really cute guy looking threw the t-shirts. Well he was cute from behind, all we could see was that he had brown curly hair was was taller than us. We walked over to the girls side and was looking at some jeans to go with our new T's we just bought when we heard him laughing. I turned around first to see what about then realized he was on the phone

"haha okay okay Lou I'll come back to the hotel later I thought u wanted some alone time with El anyways" he looked my way and smiled I quickly turned back to the jeans so it didn't look like I was staring or listening to his conversation on the phone with some dude named Lou. Then it hit me I knew who he was how could I miss it damn I'm dumb as hell! I whispered to Katie

"Katie do you know who that is?"

"no why, should I?"

"yes it's Harry Styles! Act cool stay calm we don't want him thinking we are massive fans!"

"Aria chill! it's ok how hard can it be we act like we don't like them at school!"

I nodded to agree then took the jeans I picked out to the counter to purchase them apparently he had the same idea because he bumped right into me.

"pay attention to what your doing much?" I asked in a smart ass tone haha I'm good

"Sorry! I was wasn't paying attention" he then gave a cheeky grin damn he was fucking hot!

"It's fine just giving you a hard time to my enjoyment I guess!"

"ha your funny I'm Harry by the way, and you are?" he smiled god I love his smile. Stop smiling!

"oh I'm just the girl you almost knocked over!" I laughed "I'm Aria Hale nice to meet you Harry!" I said then turned to the cashier to give her money for the jeans.

"Hale hurry up, stop flirting and lets go I'm hungry and you talking to a guy won't help my problem!" Katie said smiling as I felt my cheeks get a lil warmer

"I'm coming Davis and by the way I'm not flirting I'm just being nice to the dude who just almost knocked me over even though I shouldn't be." I said before waving bye to Harry.

Outside the store Katie dragged me to the food court to get pretzels and then as soon as we sat down she started on her very long speech on how I was flirting and should have asked for his number and blah blah blah I zoned her out and kept thinking over my conversation with Harry in aero. I was suddenly shaken,

"what the fuck Katie!"

"what your weren't paying attention and I know that for a fact because...." she trailed off I looked behind me to see what she was looking at and I saw him, he was smiling down at me

"hello Aria!" he seemed to happy to run into me again. Like seriously what's up with the flirty tone in your voice right now.

"hey, what's up?" I smiled back at him

"oh nothing really I just wanted to give you this," he handed me a piece of paper with something written on it "it's my number if your wondering maybe we could hang out sometime before I leave the states to go back to the UK?" wow really is this happening Harry Styles wants to hang out with me!

"oh yeah sure defiantly!" I said a bit to happy, Katie gave me the wtf eyes.

"awesome text me later then, I have to go bye!" he called as he walked away waving like an idiot.


When we got back to my house Katie plopped down on my bed and stole my phone from my hipster I threw at the bed

"What are you doing ?" I asked and raised my eyebrows

"oh nothing just gunna text a cute British green eyed curly haired boy" she smile and started texting away on MY phone. I quickly jump on her and tried to get my phone back before she sent the text or send anymore.

"here I've done my damage you will thank me though"I quickly read the text to make sure it wasn't to bad of an embarrassment,

Me: Hey curly it's Aria! :)

Well that's not too bad I guess! She will pay though, I will not give her the satisfaction of a thank you for something I didn't want her to do. My phone then vibrated and played the little tone for a new message

Harry: Hey love I knew you couldn't resist texting me ;)

Me: Oh whatever I just didn't want to be rude! :P

Harry: mhm say what u want but ik the truth lol

Me: Loser! I have to go, movie night!

I sent the message and then called for pizza. The delivery guy was quick tonight

they probably didn't have to many customers, oh well works for us.

"Katie did you pick a movie yet cuz that was the pizza dude and it smells yummy!" I yelled up the stairs.

"I did we are watching we bought a zoo! I didn't even know you had this movie! Now hurry up, you should learn how to fly! I swear stairs slow you down" she said as soon as I walked in my room

"well you try walking up the stairs with pizza and cups in you hand without tripping"

"fine just shut up and give me food so we can play this movie already!"

we finished the pizza and Katie crashed as soon as the ending credits hit I shut the tv off then laid down realizing how tired I was I fell asleep within a minute.

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