Chapter 10

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Aria's POV

Exaughsted, that's exactly what I am. Han and Katie would not let me sleep until like 2am! Like bitch I need my damn sleep! Anyways it's 10am and we are just getting up so we can go to the store and then a few places to get fast food and bring it all back here before noon.

That's when the boys and El and Perrie will arrive. Oh and best part I have Little London Girl by Greyson Chance stuck in my head but, like how is that possible when I haven't listened to that song in over a week! Screw life it is not nice to me, well no don't screw it, it has blessed me with meeting One Direction and being Harry's girlfriend. I love you life!

Okay shower shower I need a shower.

I grabbed my denim shorts, undergarments and a white tank top then headed into the bathroom to get a shower and dressed.

Ten minutes later I'm out of the bathroom towel drying my hair before I straighten it.

"really aria if your gonna straighten it then I'm gonna do it while Han does your make up cuz it will take foreverrrr if not!" Katie says coming out of my closet handing me the rolled up sleeve multi-colored plaid shirt I planned on putting on over the tank, unbuttoned obviously.

"fine!" I replied not really caring and taking the shirt from her. I put it on and sat down in my desk chair while she turned on the straightener and Hannah grabbed my makeup bag.

"stay still Ari I know how you get and if you jump from the chills while I'm doing this it will mess up." Hannah said walking over to me and stared to put light foundation on my face.

"okay but do my makeup right you know I only like a little, too much make up is just no, it shouldn't be aloud. Take tips Katie!" I stuck my tongue out at her while trying not to mess Han up.

"keep talking shit Ari, I can easily burn you!" Katie said

Oh shit my mouth is shut Katie don't bluff!

After my hair was finished we piled into the jeep and headed to Walmart to get drinks and snack foods since the stash at my house is pretty low.


"wallie world oh how I love you, wallie world oh how I missed you!" I sing as we walk into the store.

I haven't been in a few days what can I say this is my store I mess with people and act up in here. I'm surprised we haven't been banned yet, the workers must love me too much, I mean like who doesn't like a good laugh.

"no you mischievous little girl not today we only have an hour and half to get back to your house." Hannah said

"fun killer!" me and Katie scream at her.

"to the junk food isle!" I say as Katie pushes me in the buggie I jumped in.



"three year olds!" Hannah yells and runs after us.

"ohhh myyyy gowwwwdddd you didn't tell me Carmen was here now she is a fun three year old!" I say not thinking. "ohh shittteee I didn't say that!" too late Katie and Hannah stop dead in there tracks.

"Aria who is Carmen!?" Katie asks me. Well they were bound to find out. Stupid me for trying to have secrets I tell ya I can't keep them anymore, damn you Harry! Ever since I met him they keep pouring out!

"long story cut short I was raped shes my kid end of story you'll get the better longer one later lets continue this fun I don't feel like crying CREAM!!!!" I say changing the subject quickly

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