Chapter 1: The one and only

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Whined the engine of the stolen armored truck. The man in the back was stuffing money into bags and shooting at the police hot on their trail. The truck swerved right and threw the man against the wall. "Watch it" yelled one of the goons. "You drive then!" Yelled the driver the other man responded "I'm juggling two jobs back here!". The man began stuffing more money into bags until a voice spoke up. "Wow, like an old married couple you two"

 "Wow, like an old married couple you two"

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The wall crawler. The web slinger. The one and only Spider-Man!

"Ahh Spider-Man!" The goon tried to get his gun but it was yanked out of his hand by a web. "So, watcha doin?" The man tried to swing at Spider-Man but Spider-Man easily dodged with his arms still crossed. "Two dudes like you wouldn't go after a armored truck like this. So you must owe someone". Spider-Man dodged another swing by leaning his head to the left and the man punched the metal wall of the truck with a sickening crack coming from his knuckles. "Aghhh!" The man yelled in pain.
"Not much of talker? Ok suit yourself" Spider-Man stuck a web into his chest and he attached the web to the outside lamppost and he was yanked away.

On the inside the man driving the truck was frantically looking around for a way to escape the police. "Hey what's going on back there!" The man said with no response. "Hello?" this time he got a response and that was a knock on his driver side window. He looked to see good ol red and blue. Spider-Man motioned for the man to roll the window down to which he did. "Morning sir are you aware how fast you were driving? And the amount of illegal stolen money in the back?" The man swung at Spider-Man and missed, Spider-Man disappeared. He reappeared with his head upside down in the window. On top of the roof Spider-Man was kicking his feet in the air like a school girl on the phone with her crush. "So why you stealin? Owe some mob boss? You need money for drugs? Need to pay some bills? Been there man". The man tried to punch him again and Spider-Man dodged easily. "Damn no one wants to talk to me today!" Spider-Man ripped the door off of the truck and tossed it to the side. He grabbed the man by his collar and threw him out of the truck. Then Spider-Man fired a web in between two buildings and the man got stuck to them. Then Spider-Man did a flip onto the hood of the truck. He turned around and fired to webs onto buildings and using them he slowed the truck down. Just in time for the police to catch up. Spider-Man jumped down from the hood and the cops went to make sure all the money was still there. A few civilians began taking pictures and videos of Spider-Man. He began swinging away

Spider-Man webbed onto a building. He swung deep in between two moving vans and slapped the back door of one. At the apex of his swing he did a large back flip before firing another web. He swung above a building and thread the needle with the supports of a water tower. "Wooohooo!" He yelled as he swang

Spider-Man pov

Alright let's do this one last time. My name is y/n Parker. I was bitten by a radioactive spider and for the last four months I've been the one and only Spider-Man. My uncle Ben died due to my own negligence. I could've stopped the man that killed him but I was selfish. So I made promise to never use my powers for myself, I will only use them to help people. So I borrowed some fabric from a dumpster. Spent way to long to figure out web shooters. And now I'm the New York wall crawler.

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