Chapter 3: Overgrown chicken

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I fired another web that swung me towards my destination at high speeds. I tried my very best to beat the people I was racing. Who was I racing? The Nakano sisters before they locked me out of their apartment. I landed in a alley close to the building changed into my normal clothes and waited infront of the building. A second later a limo pulled up and the Nakano sisters came rushing out. Itsuki got to talking "Hurry we need to get inside before h- he's already here" everyone looked at me and frowned. "Hello everyone" they all slouched as they walked forward. "Now we are gonna go inside and have a nice lesson. It will be nice ,educational, and helpful capiche?". They all slouched as they began walking inside. As they were walking past me my spider sense went off and I caught something I looked down at my hand to see a phone with a Lock Screen of... is that a Chinese warlord? It was quickly snatched out of my hand by Miku. She had a death glare on me "What did you see?" She questioned so I played it safe. "Oh uh nothing" she then walked with us to the elevator side eyeing me the whole time.

We entered and I sat them all down "Now do your homework. If you need help please let me know, we can do the lesson next". They sighed and got their homework out. "Actually Miku can I talk to you for a second?" She nodded and stood up and we went to the upstairs landing. "I wanted to talk to you about your history scores. You got a passing grade in the history section. And I saw the warlord photo on your Lock Screen. You clearly have a knack for history? Why don't you apply yourself in the lessons I give you guys?" Her bangs shaded her face "So you did see it." She looked angry and I gulped. Then her face gent bright pink "please don't tell anyone!" I was surprised with the sudden change of demeanor. "I got this game a while back and it was about warlords. Ever since then I've been obsessed with them. No one can know about this! Most girls are into actors or some singer. I'm into old violent men who are dead". She frowned and sighed. I didn't expect her to spill her guts like that. I stuck out my hand "I promise not to tell anyone." She got a surprised lion in her face. She reached her hand out then I took it away "under one condition. You start applying yourself to school and my lessons more. You scored highest on the skills test. So if you apply yourself you can really soar... no you will soar." She looked surprised "you really have that much faith in me?" She questioned "Even then some" She reached out her hand and I shook it. "Also maybe try to convince your sisters to pay attention as well". We made our way back downstairs. I helped Miku and Yotsuba with their homework, then I started a lesson I did one on history just give Miku a little thanks.

A few hours later

We just finished up our lesson. I began packing up and I realized that my bag was next to Miku. "Hey Miku pass me my bag please?" She did as I asked and out of my bag dropped a piece of red cloth. Miku reached for it in curiosity and I snatched before she could. "What was that?" She asked 'Oh shit, think, think, think, think!'.  "Oh it's just... a rag" 'nice one, a rag who just has a rag!'. "A rag?... ok" she didn't question it and finished packing up her stuff as  the sun had started to set.

"Hey OsCorp is holding a tech Rally today! It's not far we should go!" Nino said. Everyone agreed and began getting ready to go. Miku walked up to me with slight pink on her face "Y-you can come if you want?" I thought for a moment "Sure sounds like fun". I grabbed my bag as everyone else walked out of the door and we headed to the rally.

As we arrived there were tech displays everywhere. We walked up to a platform that makes you invisible. Mechanical arms that were juggling. "Ooh Y/n look at this!" It was a holographic display of a lizard regrowing a leg. "I didn't know lizards can do that?" Miku said walking up from behind. "Blastema based regeneration. The cells are essentially able to memorize how a arm or a tail is constructed and completely rebuild it from scratch. But it requires a lot of bodily heat so it can't regenerate when extremely cold." Ichika was now listening as well "Thats kinda cool. Didn't know nerd stuff could be cool!" She said with a giggle "Nerd stuff is really cool. I can do biology lesson soon if you guys want?" They responded with a sure it a yes. "Alright biology lesson coming soon" I said as we moved onto the main attraction.

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