Chapter 6: plucking feathers

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The sisters began walking toward wherever. "Wait I can't believe we forgot to get it!" Said Yotsuba. "Oh my god you're right!" Said itsuki then they all said the a different thing at the same time. Wow for identical Quintuplets they couldn't be different. Then they all split off to get a different thing.

While they split off I decided it was time to do some spidey work. So I found a private roof and changed into my suit. I perched and watched over the festival making sure that the second beaky showed up I caught him. After a minute of nothing I spotted someone on a roof covered in shadows. I slowly made my way to building and scaled it noiselessly. I was ready to strike but I noticed it was Nino not anything nefarious. I quickly put my clothes on over my suit and walked on the roof. "Hey" she turned around startled "How the hell did you get up here?" She asked. "Fire escape" she nodded in understanding. "So why are you up here alone again?" She sighed "we were supposed to meet up here... but I kinda forgot to send them the address". I began snickering "don't you laugh at me!" She said with an embarrassed face. "sorry, here I'll find them, you stay here" with that I descended the fire escape and went back street level. Once I was out of sight from Nino I scaled another building.

I perched and began looking around for any of the sisters. I eventually spotted Miku and made my way down and tapped her in the shoulder. She turned around and looked at me. "Oh there you are" she remarked. I noticed she was sitting down rubbing her foot that was red and swollen. "Are you ok?" I asked simply "Oh uh yeah, it's just I tweaked my ankle pretty bad, and I do t have anything to treat it". "I have an idea" I said

Miku pov

He said "I have an idea" then like it was nothing he picked me up bridal style and began walking. I felt myself get red as a tomato. I don't know why but him picking me up like I don't weigh anything made my stomach flutter. It felt nice to be in such capable strong hands. I lightly leaned my head on his chest and it was beating steadily unlike my racing heart. Eventually he set me down on a pile of crates in alleyway. He gently held my leg and rolled up his sleeve to reveal his web-shooters. It was surprising to see how gentle he was being when I've literally seen him holding a car above his head. He then lightly sprayed my ankle with webs. I shivered slightly "It's cold" I said. "Yeah it should help reduce the swelling and support your ankle at the same time" he said. He then set my leg down gently and I stood up. It still hurt but it was much more manageable. The coldness was soothing to the tenderness of my ankle. I put my sock on over the webs and you could t see them anymore. "U-uh thank you" I managed to stutter out. "Yeah no problem". "Have you seen the rest of your sisters?" He asked "Uh no, not since we split up". He frowned "Ok um can you walk on your own?" He asked. I nodded slightly. He began guiding me out of the alley and eventually we got back to the Main Street. I turned to ask him something and he was gone. "Uh what-"


I began guiding Miku out of the alley but my spider sense went off and I whipped my head around and saw a head of short pink hair. I began walking after Ichika calling her name. But she somehow disappeared. "Ichika! Ichika!" Then suddenly I was yanked into an alleyway. It was Ichika

"Be quiet, he'll hear you" she said in a loud whisper. She pushed me against the wall. "W-what who will hear me!" Then from the Main Street I heard another voice calling Ichika's name. She then wrapped me in a hug burying her face in my chest. "Hug me back or he'll see us" I did as she said as a man with a mustache crossed the alleyway and stood in front of it calling Ichikas name. "Who is that? I asked" she clutched me a bit tighter. "It's my boss" she awnsered "Your boss? You have a job?" I asked "Yeah I do is that so surprising?" She stated "what do you do?" I asked "Well he works the camera and I make the shots look good". Oh a photography assistant. "Ok well th-" I was cut off by the man in the mustache "Ichika! There you are" 
We both whipped our heads to the man to see him dragging not Ichika but her quintuplet sister Miku. Miku began stammering "Uh wh- I'm not Ichika!" Me and Ichika both rushed out of the alleyway to go catch them. I managed to put my hand the man's shoulder. "Hey you got the wrong girl". He whipped his head around "Huh who are you?" He asked confused then Ichika caught up to me the man now looked flabbergasted "Why am I seeing two Ichika's.

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