Chapter 7: New Look, and a New foe

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After the fight with vulture Y/n silently scaled the side of the apartment building and then he opened the window and slipped inside. He dropped to the floor and collapsed on his back and stayed there for a moment. Then the light turned on and he saw Miku in his desk chair holding a first aid kit. "How's you get in my room?" He said. He began getting up letting out a groan. "Fire escape" she said simply as he layed down on the bed and removed his mask for some air. Miku opened the kit and began treating the bruises and cuts on his face. He then took off his shirt which would have made Miku go scarlet if he wasn't decimated with a large gash in his side. "Oh my god. You are such an idiot" she said as she began disinfecting the wound. She then pulled out suture needles and began closing up the gash and Y/n winced in pain. "I got him though. Vulture is no more" Miku ignored him and kept mending. After the wound was closed and some of his more major injuries bandaged he stopped Miku. "The smaller stuff will be gone by morning. Thank you Miku".

Miku was about to say something but his spider sense went off. Aunt May opened the front door and then immediately opens y/ns room. She saw nothing. Just a desk lamp pointed at the bed. "How many times did I tell you to turn off the lights" May mumbled to herself. She walked in to turn the desk lamp off. On the ceiling in the corner of the room was y/n sticking to the ceiling Miku clinging to his back. He had his mask held in his teeth and Miku was holding the torso part of the costume. May turned off the lamp and left. After a moment y/n lowered Miku down. "Thank you Miku I appreciate it." She responded "With everything you've done for me it's the least I could do". She left for the fire escape and disappeared out of view.

Then y/n looked at his tattered suit far beyond repair. He said to himself "Maybe it's time for an upgrade". Then he looked to his bed "But first sleep" he flopped onto the bed and instantly passed out exhausted.


A figure that had one arm is observing a lizards blood under a microscope. He adjust a it and seems enamored with it. He observes the regenerative property of a lizards dna. Then a woman enters the room "Curt? Are you coming to bed?" She asked concerned. He stood up "Of course dear I'll be right there". He turned off his lab equipment and left the room

The next morning

Y/n turned up to school seeming a little more fixed up after a good nights rest. He walked the halls and saw the Quints. Miku made eye contact and walked over. "Hey how are you feeling?" She asked "Much better" he said relived. The other quints came over and saw him Ichika spoke up first "Jesus are you ok!" She asked concerned with him covered in bruises and bandages "I'm fine really. I got jumped at the festival last night" he said lying through his teeth. Soon the bell rang and the day continued as normal.

Then science class rolled around. As he was about to leave his teacher spoke up. "Mister Parker a moment please" the teacher asked "uh sure." Y/n walked over. "What's up?" He asked "There has been an opening as a lab assistant for doctor Curtis Connors. And I recommended my brightest student. I believe you'll be perfect for the job."  Y/n's eyes lit up "Curt Connors! He's the leader in genetic alteration research this side of the continent! I would love to work with him!" He said completely nerding out. "Ok meet him tomorrow after school around 5pm." With that he left the class completely ecstatic that he was going to be working with doctor Connors. Then he hung his head slightly 'i already have a tutor job and taking pictures for the bugle. Then there's Spider-Man that takes already so much time. Now I have even less time.' He just continued walking and the rest of the day went smoothly.

The next day He arrived at the lab that located at Empire State University Campus. He walked in and saw a man with one arm and blonde hair. "Um Doctor Connors?" The man turned around and made eye contact. "Ah! You must be Y/n. Pleasure to meet you. I'm doctor Curtis Connor's." He stuck his good hand out and Y/n grabbed it and started shaking it very fast "Doctor Connor's! I'm such a big fan! I love your work on genetic alterations!" He said vigorously shaking his hand. He then let go "Strong grip you got there." He said. "You know your teacher was not the only one who recommended you?" Y/n looked confused "Who else wou-" he was cut off by his spider sense and he felt someone lift him up. "Me bro!" It was his old friend Eddie Brock.
Y/n's eyes lit up "Bro!" He then wrapped his friend in a hug "How are you dude! How's college!" Eddie let him down. "It's going good bro. Years been fun so far especially working for doctor Connors."

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