Chapater 2: The five

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Y/n pov

I balanced on a web that was in between two water towers. "Hey im sorry about the- no that sounds pathetic!" I walked across pretending like I was a wire walker. Then I took a bite of my sandwich" Hey it turns out I am your tutor now so I want to apologize...that's better" I did a backflip land on on my two feet on the line entertaining myself. "Hey I wanted to apologize for the other day for being rude. It turns out that I got a job as your tutor from your dad... that's the one". I dropped from the web onto the roof and changed back into my normal clothes. After that I dropped into the alley and made my way down the street a little to my school that was currently at lunch. I walked into the courtyard and saw Itsuki sitting at a table with a few other people. I began waking over to her. I reached the table and then everyone at the table stopped talking and looked at me "Uh hey itsuki I wanted to-". A tray plopped down and a girl with butterfly hair clips was holding it "Who is this? And why is he at our table?". I looked at her and I noticed the girl behind her. She had blue headphones. "Headphone girl?" The girl in mention looked at me "do I know you?" she said in a cold uncaring tone. "Oh uh no you don't!" The butterfly girl spoke up "instead of headphone girl why don't you call her by her name Miku. Also why are you still here?". I tried to think of a thing to say but just decided to walk away. As I was walking away I heard "Anyway. Miku tell us more about Spider-Man!". She is the same girl I saved the other day now known as Miku. I decided to wait until after school.

I began walking to do something to fill the rest of lunch. Then I felt my spider sense go off. I ducked down to pretend to tie my shoe as football passed over my head. I got up and turned around. Flash Thompson. "Hey flash" I greeted he and a two of his goons came over "Helloooo Parker!" He said in a happy tone. "So you trying to get at the new chicks at school?" I sighed "no flash just had to talk to one for a sec" he laughed "haha! Puny Parker is trying to put the moves on the new kids it's hilarious! How about a pro shows you how he does it". He strolled over to their table and slung his arm around the one with butterfly pins. After a few seconds I saw everyone at the tables face go pink. Then a sickening "*SMACK*" was heard as flash had a large red handprint on his face and the butterfly girl was standing up with a extended hand. "That is no way to talk to a lady you pervert!" Butterfly yelled and flash stomped off back towards me "One hell of a first impression" I said as he returned "Shut it Parker!". He and his goons stomped off.


Ok I have to be at her apartment in a fifteen minutes for our first session. I tried during lunch and that failed I tried after school and she was surrounded by her friends. Now I have to meet her there and apologize at the apartment. I swung and I landed at the top of a building. I pulled out my phone and looked at the address. "Where is it, where is it" finally I spotted the building it was gigantic and really nice. "Ok" I said as I swung over I entered a vent on the outside of the building. I changed inside the vent which was extremely difficult. Then I popped out into the hallway crawled along the ceiling for a sec before dropping in front of the door I was about to knock when my spider sense went off and I saw Itsuki exit the elevator with her friends rightly t behind. They were talking and then they laid their eyes on me. "Why the hell are you here!" The butterfly girl said. "I-i need to talk to Itsuki!" They walked passed me and opened the door. Then Itsuki spoke up "I don't care what you have say. You need to leave I have a tutor coming soon!" She tried to go past me but I lightly grabbed her shoulder "that's what I wanted to talk to you about... *Ahem* my name is y/n Parker and I am your new tutor" Itsuki had a face of surprise then of anger "No! I'm not having some annoying asshole as my tutor!" She stated as she shoved away from me into the apartment. Then slammed the door in my face. I sighed in defeat and began to walk away then the door opened and a girl with Orange hair and a green ribbon opened the door. "Sorry about that. Come on in!". I thanked her and entered the apartment "welcome! I'm Yoatsuba by the way" I marveled at the size of the apartment that was quadruple mine. Then I saw the girls sitting down on the coach doing their own thing. I made eye contact with Itsuki "do you live in a apartment with your friends?" She then looked at me "no I live in a apartment with my sisters." I got a stick of shock and had one thought. 'I know why I'm getting five times pay now'.

 'I know why I'm getting five times pay now'

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I sat in the living room with Yoatsuba. She just gave me a tour of everything showed everyone's rooms and their names. "So anyway your our new tutor? That's great! You seem really smart!" She kept rambling and I appreciated her not being in her room unlike everyone else. "So what are we going to Learn today teach?" I sighed I was happy with her enthusiasm but I wish the others had it. "Nothing if I don't get the others down here." She perked up "leave that to me!" She ran upstairs after a minute or two I saw the rest of the sisters walk down the stairs with Yoatsuba up front. 'Thank you Yoatsuba!' Everyone sat down and I started "Ok well I'm hello my name is y/n Parker and I'm your tutor. I wanted to start with a basic skills assessment test to see your skills in each subject. Not including P.E of course hehehe" no one laughed Yoatsuba just watched me with a smile. I sighed as this is not going to be easy.


A bald head man with a large beak like nose stomped into a laboratory screaming "Osborn! Osborn! Where are you! you coward!" He screamed into the lab. Then a man with red hair, sharp features, pointed elf like ears, and in a expensive suit. "No need to yell Toomes I'm right here". Then Toomes walked up to him and jabbed a finger in his chest. "You stole my invention! Tech flight was my invention! I presented it to the board in January four months later OsCorp announces Tech flight wings! It's my intellectual property and you stole it!" Toomes yelled at loud volumes. "No tech flight wings was invented by the smart intellectuals at OsCorp tech. And besides" a large malicious grin shaped on Osborne face " You never invented anything as a young man, so why would the believe and old crazy yelling one?" Security came from behind and grabbed Toomes and began dragging him away. "I'll show you what a old man is capable of! You'll see!" With that the crazy old man was drug away.

The Nakano Residence

"Ok umm can anyone tell me who was the major Chinese warlord from 1697-1710." Yoatsuba raised her hand "Ooo, umm General Greivous?" I sighed. She was the only one paying attention beside Miku. Nino was on her phone and Ichika was asleep. Miku was looking at me in annoyance. 'I saved your life, it''d be nice for a little engagement as a thanks, is that to much to ask for?' I thought. "Ok. Just work on your homework for now I guess, get me if you need help" I said and I sat down a little defeated. I began looking in the tests and I saw that in the skills assessment Miku got that question right. "Hey uh Mi-" I was cut off by my phone alert on it it said armed robbery at a bank near by. I stood up and grabbed my backpack "Ok I have to leave. I'll be back tomorrow. I expect a little more engagement next time please." I got up and left the apartment got to the roof changed into my suit and took a dive off the edge.

(Chapter 2 down baby. Hope you liked it)

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