Chapter 4: Goose chase

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Everything hurts. By back is covered in bandages. My bruises had healed a little bit. My body was incredibly sore. I barely slept last night from the pain and having to repair my suit. I landed on a building to take a second to catch my breath. Then I jumped off again and began swinging towards school.

I arrived in time and had a few good stares especially from Itsuki. Finally lunch rolled around I planned on dicking around on some roof somewhere but Miku caught up to me. "Hey y/- holy shit what happened to you!?" she ran up to me and started looking me over "oh uh I slipped on the stairs to the subway this morning I really feel fine!" No I don't. "No your not we are going to the nurse now". She began dragging me towards the nurses office and I tried to resist but she wouldn't let me. The nurse gave me a once over and patched me up pretty good. I walked out with bandages all over my face. As we began walking  Miku was infront of me. This reminds of this morning when aunt may freaked out. I told her I was jumped and she got all worried I calmed her down eventually. Miku now seems relieved it's nice having someone on my side worrying about me.

Miku pov

He's lying to me I know it. He was behind me lost in his own thoughts as we walked to my lunch table. You don't get so injured just tumbling downstairs. He's lying to me. First he's always disappears randomly. Then he leaves the second something bad happens at the OsCorp rally. Now the next day he shows up bruised, beaten, and cut all over. Then there was that thing that fell out of his backpack the other day the red "rag" or so he claims. Then the metal tube thing. I flashed back to when I found it on a small label it read Wf: Mk 3. What are you hiding y/n Parker?


I sat in the living room the only ones there were Yotsuba an Miku. Yotsuba was daydreaming not doing anything. And Miku was intensely staring at me. "Uh hey Miku... everything ok?". She stared at me for a moment "Yes, but... what station did you say you fell down at again?" I was caught off guard I thought of the train stops on my old route to school. "Oh uh 32nd north... why?" She sighed and I heard a "dammit" under her breath. She went back to doing her work and I sighed how no one was out here. "Yotsuba? Can you help me wrangle the rest of your sisters?" She shot up clearly excited to be not studying "Yup! No problem"

We both walked up and first we approached Ichikas door. Yotsuba reached for the handle and then stopped "umm her room is... something. Prepare yourself". I was not prepared for what I saw. Trash, dirty clothes, and so much more covered every inch of the floor. "Holy crap you live like this!" I saw a lump of blankets start to move on the bed. "Hey quite down I'm trying to sleep" she said with a yawn. "You need to start studying. So if I have to drag you, you will study" I grabbed her blanket but my spider sense said no right as Ichika recoiled. "Um might not wanna do that... I'm kinda naked". I sighed "I'm not gonna ask why. Just get ready". I then made my way to try and convince the rest.


I was all alone as Y/n and Yotsuba went up stairs. I scribbled on my notebook for a second until I looked up. It was his backpack. Just sitting there leaning against the couch. I thought for second. If I open the bag then I could see that red thing. Maybe it was a just a rag or a hat or something. Or maybe it was the mask of the New York vigilante. If I do open it I will be invading his privacy. I was too curious I began reaching for his bag I gripped the zipper and slowly started to pull. It slowly began to open then I heard footsteps coming from upstairs. I panicked and quickly went back to my sitting position I pretended to be studying.

He came downstairs with Yotsuba, Itsuki, and Ichika behind him. "Hey Miku! How's the studying going?" He asked I replied on instinct "I wasn't doing anything weird" good save Miku geez. He came down with a confused look on his face

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