Chapter 8: Sparky

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The day after meeting Max or Electro I was walking with Miku to the girls place. She was watching news feed of my fight last night. "Jeez he fried you" I sighed "Yeah he sure did".

We arrived at the place and I got studying going for them and after a moment Itsuki came downstairs. "Come to join us?" I asked she scoffed. "In your dreams nerd" I frowned "So did you just come down to insult me?" I said as a comeback. "No, you need to talk to someone". She handed me her phone and I put it up to my ear. "Hello Mister Parker, i apologize for my absence at home." It was their dad. I stiffened "Uh yes Hello Mister Nakano. It's no trouble" I replied. "That's good. I trust that studying is going well with my daughters?" He asked. Two of the sisters hate my guts and the other three are barely making any progress "Yup it's going great" I saw as itsuki raised an eyebrow at me as she waited for her phone back. "That's good. Their grades are your job. I am also well aware of Midterms coming up next week. This may seem harsh of me but I expect all of my daughters to pass. If that doesn't happen then you will be forced to tender a resignation. Good day" then he hung up.

I. Am. Screwed.

First I get a lab assistant gig, Midterms start, Max turns into Electro, and now I might get fired if the five don't pass. Y/n Parker you've got a lot in your plate. I handed Itsuki back her phone. Then something else hit me. If Nino finds out about this then she'll definitely try and fail just to get me out of here. "What'd he say" she asked. "Nothing important don't worry about it" I said. I tried my very best not to show my dread on my face. Nino has wanted nothing but for me to be gone. Like I'm encroaching on her territory or something. I continued with my lesson and the rest of the night continued on but I realized that I wasn't really breaking through to them. Then I had an idea. "Alright guys time for a field trip." They all looked at me confused. "You guys seem bored so I thought it'd be fun for us to take a little educational excursion." They all seemed confused but surprisingly Nino spoke up first "Alright I'll bite" then the rest of them decided to follow suit.

I took them to the ESU laboratory. As we walked in I saw Curt Connor's and Eddie. Doctor Connor's spoke up first "Y/n? What are you doing here? You're not scheduled until tomorrow?" He said then he noticed the sisters "Who are these ladies?" He asked . "I thought that I would show my students the cool end of science. Guys this is Doctor Curt Connors. And these are the Nakanos" I said I motioned to each sister and gave off their name respectively. "Hey bro. What's up" Eddie greeted "This is Eddie Brock the head assistant for doctor Connors. Also one of my best friends" I said and Eddie put me in a headlock and gave me a noogie. "Been looking after this dork ever since we were in diapers" I shoved him off of me playfully. "I hope it's ok I brought them. I wanted to show them cool side of science." Doctor Connors Smiled. "Always happy to help inspire the youth" he motioned to the lab "Please help yourselves. Just don't turn anything on before asking". Then the sisters split off and I noticed Itsuki lingering around the Eel tank.

I walked over to her and leaned up to it. "Pretty cool huh" I said as they sparked with electricity. "What's so special about a bunch of electric fish?" She said confused. I smiled "As scientists we study the natural connections that exist with in nature. We study the different Bio-components of different things in nature and see how we can connect them to modern problems." I put on a glove and picked up one of the eels with a grabber. "These eels naturally generate electricity. So they could be the key to a clean, emission free form of energy production" I noticed genuine interest in her eyes. "You have seem to have a nack for science" she crossed her arms and turned away "Yeah so what?" She said annoyed. "You can pass I know you can. Your smart Itsuki. You just don't know how to apply your intellect properly. If you let me teach you will pass with flying colors and I whole heartedly believe that. Just let me help you. Please" I said. She looked at me and opened her mouth to respond but my Spider sense went off. I looked around the room and saw that the lights and monitors began to flicker on and off.  Efire curting out completely. Electros coming. I yelled "Get down!" And then I grabbed her and jumped out of the way as Electro crashed though the glass roof.

"Connors!" Electro boomed. Eddie and Curt looked on confused. "Max? Is that you?" Connors questioned. I moved me and Itsuki to the rest of the sisters and Eddie. "Connors you made me this way!" He said "I c-can fix you! Give me time!" He pleaded. "Fixed? No I want to be improved! Stronger! I want to be pure energy" he said as he let out a volley of electricity. Eddie leaned over to me. "I'll distract him. You get them out of the back" perfect excuse to leave and get changed. "Sounds good" I said back. As electro went on a spiel Eddie dove at him but he got blasted. I didn't have time to worry about him and I guided the Quints out the back door.

Third pov

As the quints ran out for their lives Nino noticed that y/n was missing. "Wait where's y/n!" She said. Miku getting the memo said "he'll be fine just keep running!" She said as the quints made a dash down the street Itsuki called the cops.

Eddie was sufficiently knocked out. Electro was about to blast Connor's but a web came down and secured his hands together. "Whoa there Maxy, tasers are illegal in this state" Spider-Man said as he descended from a web. "DONT CALL ME MAX! MAX IS DEAD ONLY ELECTRO REMAINS!" Using a surge of electricity he burst out of the web handcuffs. Electro then shot bursts of electricity at Spider-Man who flipped and dodged out of the way. "Max! Maxwell! Maximus! Maximum! Maximillian!" Spider-Man said. Getting more angry Electro shot more electricity at him getting caught in the shoulder Spider-Man got sent out through a window.

"That stung a bit" Spider-Man groaned as he got up. His spider sense went off as Electro came flying out and tackled him having crash into. A building with a burst of energy. Spider-Man managed to punch him away but he got shocked once he made contact. "Ok can't get close" he webbed a manhole cover and slung it at Electro hitting him in the head. Electro roared in anger and shot electricity at him to which he dodged. "Please max! Let us help you" Spider-Man pleaded but he didn't respond and all that happened was more electricity was being fired at him. He noticed that Electros original skin tone started to shine through just barely. 'He's running out of energy' Spider-Man thought. Spider-Man went to attack him and managed to web his feet off and tank him towards the ground. Spider-Man went to web him to the floor but electro turned into a bolt of electricity and disappeared jumping from light post to light Post.

Spider-Man tried to follow him but He got away. "Damn it!" He said frustrated. He went back to ESU as y/n Parker.


When I arrived I saw the quints and Connors and Eddie looking worried. "Hey is everyone ok?" I said as I jogged in. Eddie was in pain but ok, and Connor's looked worried at them. Eddie made eye contact with me then stocked up to me. "What the hell Parker!" He said as he got in my face and I was surprised "What happened?" I asked. "What happened is that you abbandoned the people you put in danger" he said motioning to the Quints. I looked at them and they all seemed upset except for Miku who I knew understood. "Eddie it's not like that..." I said trying to find a reason. He then flopped a news paper next to me. "Let me guess you ran off to snap a few shots of Spider-Man and Max" it showed a picture of me as Spider-Man and a line that said 'captured by y/n Parker'. "I'm sorry.i-" I tried to say something but Eddie cut me off. "Save it. Me and doctor Connor's are going to make something to help Max. If you want you can try and help." He turned away and immediately began working on something. I decided to take the girls home.

As we went to the door I stopped. "Look I'm sorry I abandoned you guys. But me and May are strapped for cash... we need all we can get so I've been desperate. It's been clouding my judgement I'm sorry truly. I messed up" they all looked at me for a moment then surprisingly Itsuki spoke up first. "It's fine... you need the money so I guess we can't really blame you... just next time don't do that when there's an electric freak".With that they walked inside but Miku stayed out and once she was sure everyone was out of ear shot. "Nice job Spider-Man" Then she walked inside.

Another done. Wow inspiration is a weird thing. I have the next two arcs planned out and it just hit me randomly at midnight last night. But there is a few more things to plan. Expect more kind of soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30 ⏰

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