Chapter 15

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*it was a Saturday and Noah's going out with his best friend Jacob and Tommy

Jacob : Noah
Noah : hey * we go a hug :  so what's been going on
Jacob : nothing
Tommy : we've just been waiting on you
Noah : sorry
Jacob : how's you eye
Noah : fine don't worry me
Jadon : Tommy gonna grab something inside the shop want anything
Noah : I'm good

*Jadon and tommy head inside the shop

*noah is on his phone till he hears his name been called
Lewis : Jacob Chen
Noah : what do you want *puts phone in pocket
Lewis : I see you have a black eye did you tell your mommy *laughs
Noah : how about you keep my mother out of your mouth
Lewis *i grab his shirt
Noah : what you gonna do
Lewis *punches him
Noah *punches him gets on top of him
*lewis friends come from behind and punches him
Noah *feels blood from his side he collapses on the floor
Lewis : run guys *they run

Tommy & Jacob *walks out sees Noah they run

Jacob : Noah Tommy call 911
Tommy *calls them
Woman : 911 what's your emergency
Tommy : my friend has been stabbed
Woman : okay the location
Tommy : we don't know but we're at a snack bar Lucy Chen will know
Woman : you know officer Chen
Tommy : yes as it's her son who's been stabbed
Woman : okay sending ambulance and police to your location

*at the station

*lucy of patrol with Aaron

Woman : 7 100 15 year old boy stabbed need officer Chen to the scene
Lucy : copy that responding

*Lucy drove to the location

ambulance already there

*Lucy arrives there and gets out sees ambulance putting a boy on a bed and sees Noah : oh my god * I run to him : it's okay bud it's okay I'm here
Tommy : miss Chen
Lucy : Aaron take them to the hospital
Aaron : yes ma'am

*tommy and Jacob got in the shop or the car Aaron drone to the hospital

*lucy is with Noah in the back of the ambulance

*they arrive at the hospital they run in

Bailey : male stabbed in his side we've tried keeping no awake he's ready to drop
Grace : we've got it from here thanks
Bailey : this is Noah mom
Grace : wait in the waiting room

*they got Noah to surgery

Lucy * was feeling tears
Tim *ran it : baby
Lucy *hugs him : I don't know what's happening
Tim *sits down : how did he get stabbed
Lucy : I don't know
Aaron ; I talked to Noah's friends they went inside the shop and next thing they see when they walked out was Noah's on the floor stabbed
Lucy : okay take them home and explain what happened to their parents
Aaron : will do *Aaron leaves the hospital and takes them home

Grace : we're losing him
Man : we have to put him in a coma
Nurse *doing CPR
Grace : put him in a coma
Nurse *puts tube down his throat and puts something on top of it and takes Noah to his room
Grace : now the worst part is to tell his parents

*in the waiting room

Grace : Noah Chen parents
Lucy : yes
Grace : we did everything we could his heartbeat kept stopping we had no choice but to put him in a coma
Lucy *tears falls down : I I can I see him
Grace : of course room 109

Lucy & Tim walked to his room and opens it sees Noah in a coma sees all wires around him

Lucy *sits on the chair next to the chair and touches his hand : come back to me son come back to me bud
Tim *kisses her forehead
Lucy *cries

* will Noah be okay and will Lucy and Tim get through this

*find out next Chapter

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