Chapter 25

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Noah : mom
Nolan : Celina get him out of here now
Celina : yes sir follow me

*Noah followed her outside he sat down by the ambulance

* the ambulance went inside put Lucy on the bed got her out of the building out her into the back of the ambulance Tim drove to the hospital as he had Noah

* Bailey took Lucy into the hospital told them what happened and they took Lucy to surgery

* at the hospital

* Noah and Tim arrived at the hospital

Tim : please tell me she isn't
Bailey : she's is surgery
Tim *sits down puts his hand in his face
Noah *stands there : I'm sorry
Tim *looks up : what you sorry for
Noah : it's my fault that mom got shot
Tim *stands up puts hand on his cheek : don't you blame yourself Lucy wouldn't want that it isn't your fault okay it isn't you fault it's that man's fault okay
Noah *nods
Tim *hugs him
Noah *hugs him back

* the doctor came out

Grace : Tim
Tim *un hugs from Noah and goes to Grace : please tell me she isn't
Grace : Lucy's going to be fine we took the bullet out it was in deep we carefully got it out we had to put some stitches in but she's going to be okay you can see her now if you want room 304

* Tim went to Lucy's room he opens the door and sees Lucy unconscious she had a oxygen mask over her mouth Tim walks to the chair next to the bed and sits down

Tim *holds her hand : baby it's me Noah's okay he's fine he blames himself though I told him not to because it wasn't his fault it was the man's fault baby I need you to wake up because I can't do this without you Luce I'm falling for you I love you so much baby and I can't live without you *I kiss her hand
Angela *looks at him though the window
Noah : aunt
Angela : hey bud
Noah : mom will be okay right
Angela : she's a fighter bud your mom can get though anything
Noah : aunt can I ask you something
Angela : of course
Noah : how did mom know she wanted to be a police officer
Angela : I don't know the full story but her mom wanted her to be a therapist but Lucy didn't she wanted to do something that could help people so she become a police officer and her mom didn't like it she told your mom to quit after she become P2 but you mom didn't give up so Noah Chen what do you want to be when you gown up
Noah : I don't know yet aunt
Angela : you have anytime in the world to figure it out
Noah : thanks
Emmett: Noah

Noah & Angela *turn around and Noah is angry he doesn't want to see his father

Angela : Emmett
Emmett : detective Lopez

* oh no what is Emmett doing here what does he want

* find out next chapter

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