Chapter 17

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*Tim and Lucy didn't leave Noah they stayed in the hospital all night

Lucy *watches Noah : please bud wake up for me
Tim : he will wake up baby we just don't know when
Grace *knocks door : hey
Lucy : hi Grace
Grace : we would like to try to take Noah off to coma to see if he can breathe on his own
Lucy *looks at Tim
Tim : baby we have to try
Lucy : I can't lose him
Tim : I know baby
Lucy : okay try

*grace had help with the other doctors

*Tim & Lucy stood there waiting

Grace : Noah if you can hear me we're gonna take you off the oxygen to see if you can breathe on your own okay now
*the nurses took him of the oxygen
Lucy : come on breathe Noah
Tim *looks at him then at Lucy *puts an arm around her shoulder
Lucy*hugs Tim berries her head into his chest and cried
Noah *breathes
Grace : he's breathing

*Tim & Lucy was happy but Noah will be in pain for a while

*Lucy & Tim sat down waiting for Noah to open his eyes

*couple minutes later

Noah *open his eyes turns his head to look and his mom and Tim : m... mom
Lucy : Noah hey you're okay your at the hospital do you remember what happened
Noah : I was stabbed
Lucy : yes and we've arrested Lewis
Tim : we'll talk about that another day
Lucy : yea we will how you feel
Noah : I feel okay I've got a little pain
Lucy : it'll be there for a while bud
Noah : mom I know that face your worried I'm okay I'm alive
Lucy : I thought I was gonna lose you
Noah : I'm right here mom not going anywhere
Lucy : I love you bud *I hug him
Noah : I love you too mom * I hug her mom
*they hugged then removed from the hug

*couple days later

*Noah was discharged from the hospital

*knocks at the door

Lucy *answers it I look at him the last time I saw him was when I was at the hospital: Emmett
Emmett : hello Lucy

*what does Emmett want

* hope you liked this chapter

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