Ambrosius's POV

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At this point in time, I was panicked on where Ballister could be. I was also scared on whether or not he's alive. Is he alive? Is he dead? Is it all my fault? Where is he? Will Nimona hate me for not protecting him? Before I could carry on with my thoughts, I hear a familiar voice yell, "Dad!" from behind me. I turn around and see Nimona running to me with a relieved look on her face. "Hey Nimona," I reply, faking a smile. I was internally panicking now because this is the first time I've seen Nimona since the battle. She looked around as she hugged me. "Boss?" she muttered into a dark area near us. To her dismay, Bal didn't respond back. "Where's boss?" she asked, to me this time. Hesitating, I looked away before responding. "Ambrosius," she said, wanting answers. Sighing, I finally responded, quietly too, "Riquier took him during the battle." Worry filled her face when she heard it. "He did what?! Ohhh, I'm going to murder this Riquier guy," she said as she grabbed her knife. "Nimona, no. I need to know if Bal is still alive first. Then you can kill Riquier," I reply, gently taking the knife away from her. But before I could put the knife away, she angrily took it back and walked off. "Nimona!" I yelled out to her, following behind her. "You let boss get kidnapped!" she yelled back at me. Before I could get to her, she turned into a wolf and ran off. "I know I did," I muttered, taking a deep breath. Before realizing it, I was alone again. Walking off, I started thinking of places that Ballister could be kept at. I got a thought after a little bit. Knowing I need help, I went to the new recruits to see an old friend. "Zac," I said as I walked into the room. "What's up, man?" he asked, looking at me. "I need help finding Ballister. I have an idea on where he could be," I respond. "I'll help. I'll do whatever it takes," he said, grabbing his sword. "Thank you. Get ready to leave in a few minutes," I replied, hope started to feel me. Nodding, he walked off to get his armor. After a few minutes, we walk off to find Ballister.

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