Bearre's POV

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I grabbed a notebook and a pen, I wanted to write the following paragraph down. As you, the reader, might've guessed by now, I was the one that faked Ballister's death. It was quite simple really, except for manipulating Lizzy into thinking we were going to a hideout for the idiots that tortured us. And all it took was getting her to turn the power off as I snuck into Ballister's room through the window while he was alone. Oh, you should've seen the look on his face when he realized I was there to do something to him. He looked so betrayed. Did he honestly think I cared about him? He's normal. Normal people like him call me a monster and a freak. Not only that but they gag when they see me use my flexibility. It's a good thing Lizzy didn't have to go inside to turn the power off. She would've found out that I lied to her to get to Ballister. A little secret that I've always kept to myself is that I like to mess around with chemicals. Why would that be important to this rant you might ask? Let's just say a potion cause him to be in that coma. I wanted to mess with Ambrosius Goldlion by making him believe that the love of his life was died. What made it perfect is that Ambrosius was the last one to be with Ballister before I faked his death. I could laugh thinking about all of this. It went perfectly, just as I hoped it would. And I doubt anyone would believe Ballister if he tries to say that I did it. If any of them did, I'll just manipulate them into thinking Lizzy did it. It was a simple plan and it has a simple backup plan. I don't have anything to lose from this. After writing down that last sentence, I put the pen down and smirked. "Perfect," I sneered, turning the lamp off.

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