Bearre's POV

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After I woke up, I looked at my surroundings. I noticed that I was surrounded by guards, again. "Your punishments don't scare me," I said, getting up as I said it. "It should," a guard responded. "Lizzy will get punished too after this." Clenching my fists, I looked down at the guard that spoke. "Chain him up. Don't let him escape again." she added on. Before I had time to react, she walked up to me and tased me. I yell out as I fell to the ground. I try to move, but my body was tensed up from the tazer. "You're a-all monsters!" I yelled at them. "Yeah yeah," another guard said as he chained me to the ceiling by the wrists. I struggled to move and get free, hoping Lizzy was okay. "Have some fun with him boys," the first guard said. "The monster deserves to feel pain." Taking a deep breath, I started to feel control of my body again. "Will do ma'am," another guard said. "Lizzy!" I yell out, I just want to make sure she's okay. The guards start to torture me badly shortly afterwards. I yell out in pain as I heard Lizzy yell out, "Bearre?! What are they doing to you??" Trying to clear my voice, I respond, "I'm o-okay!" I was barely able to make out the last word before yelling out in pain again. The first guard started laughing while I heard Lizzy struggling to get to me. "This is amusing. You honestly think you could escape this?" She asked, looking at me with a grin on her face. "D-don't touch Lizzy, p-please," I responded. "Why shouldn't I?" She asked. "Because," I paused after a bit. "I'll do what y-you want." I looked down at the guard, doing my best not to yell out again to worry Lizzy more. "I'll think about it," she replied, watching as the guards kept torturing me for a few more minutes.

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