Ambrosius's POV

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I took Ballister over to the couch. I had promised myself that I'd do anything to protect Bal after what he's been through. And seeing him happy counts for me. I was slightly lost in thought as I started comforting Bal. We sat down on the couch together and I kept him close. I felt his head rest on my chest as I heard Nimona speak up, "I want to join after I finish cooking!" This made Bal smile. They must really love our movie nights. "We would love that," I said with a smile on my face. "Metal," she said. Bal chuckled a little. "Sorry you had you clean my mess kid," he spoke up, as I saw him glance at Nimona. "You tried boss, it's fine. I'll lay on you if you're gonna make out." she remarked teasingly. This had made Ballister feel a bit better though. I noticed that he had relaxed somewhat after the remark. "We might just do that," I teased Nimona. Bal chuckled as Nimona pointed a spatula at me while she was cooking. "Don't you dare. I don't want to see that," she said. "Okay okay," I replied.  "Good," Nimona and Ballister had surprisingly said that at the same time, but Bal said it more quietly. After a bit, Nimona came over with the food. After she sat down, I played the movie. I picked out a horror movie because I knew Ballister and Nimona like to watch them. We watched the movie as we ate the food. The food was really good. Nimona is a great cook. After a while, the movie was close to the end. We had all finished our food and took this part of the movie to relax and get comfortable. When I glanced at Ballister and Nimona, Bal was using me as a pillow. He was really comfortable on me while Nimona had curled up in his lap as a cat. I smiled because they were both comfortable and relaxed. I noticed that Bal was starting to fall asleep while he was petting Nimona. I chuckled a little and kissed Bal's head. "Goodnight baby," I spoke softly. Bal returned my kiss with a smile. He mumbled in response, "Night love." Soon after, I saw him fall asleep with his hand resting on an already sleeping Nimona. I leaned back and let the two sleep. I finished the movie as they slept, but I made sure I kept them protected.

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