Lizzy's POV

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I started frantically trying to get out of my cell. I can't use my powers to help Bearre because it is hard for me to constantly yell while I sing. After I started crying that I can't help my friend, Riquier walked over to me. "Hello there," he sneered, looking down at me. "Leave Bearre alone!" I yell at Riquier, spitting on him. "You little." he snapped. He opened the door and walked into my cell. As I tried to back up, he grabbed me and forced me to look up at him. "Let me go!" I yell at him, struggling. "Why should I?" he asked. I saw him grab some chains and I screamed for Bearre. Soon after, Riquier chained me to a pole. "Don't worry. You won't feel anything after a bit," he said. I heard him grab something as I struggled. "What are you doing?!" I asked, fear in my voice. "Oh you'll see," he replied. He started torturing me, and it was painful. I yell out, and cried out for Bearre throughout it. "L-Lizzy?!" I heard Bearre call out weakly. "Help m-me!" I kept crying as I said it. "Oh shut up," Riquier said unamusedly. "Monsters don't help each other. They only helped themselves," he continued. "He's not a monster! H-he cares about me! And he'll k-kill you for hurting m-me!" I yelled at him. "I'd like to see that freak try!" he yelled back at me. Flinching, I stopped and just cried in pain. Trying to bury my face, I felt Riquier starting to torture me again. I was too busy crying now to do anything about it other than wince. All I want to do is escape with Bearre and maybe Ballister if we're able to get him too. I'm still unsure about him though, even though he's the first person to see Bearre and me as something other than monsters.

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