The End?

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After a while, Ambrosius and Nimona got back home with a now unconscious Ballister. Bearre and Lizzy, however, were hesitant on following them. While the two were taking in their newfound freedom, Ballister was laid on the couch by Ambrosius. "Where's the med kit?" Ambrosius asked, gripping Ballister's hand and glancing at Nimona as he said it. "I'll go grab it," she replied before running off. While Ambrosius waited anxiously, he kneeled down and gently played with Ballister's hair. "Please be okay Bal," he mumbled quietly before kissing Ballister's forehead. Shortly after that, Nimona ran back to her dads with a first aid kit. She cleaned and wrapped up Ballister's wounds as Ambrosius helped her with it. It took a few minutes but they were able to take care of all of Ballister's wounds that needed tending to. As a few hours went by, Nimona and Ambrosius eagerly sat by Ballister's side for him to wake up. Both of them were too preoccupied worrying about Ballister to notice a figure watching them from outside with a smirk on their shadowy face. After a bit, Ballister stirred, mumbling something under his breath. Ambrosius looked over at him and went over to his side. "Hey Bal," he said gently, carefully holding Ballister's hand afterwards. "A-Ambrosius," Ballister mumbled, wincing. He weakly smiled up at his boyfriend, then he started coughing. "Take it easy boss," Nimona exhaustedly said from her seat, relieved that he was okay. He nodded a little and kept coughing. Ambrosius gently rubbed his back as Ballister took deep breaths. "I-It hurts," he whined, curling up. "I bet," Ambrosius replied gently, giving Nimona a look to grab a drink. She nodded and worriedly walked out. Ballister started going in and out of consciousness as Ambrosius comforted him. All of a sudden, the power went out in the house. Sighing, Ambrosius said, "I'll go fix that. Rest, please." He kissed Ballister's hand before gently laying it down and letting go. "O-okay," he replied, struggling to stay awake. Ambrosius walked off and went to the fuse box. It took a few minutes but he was able to fix it while Nimona was helping him by providing him light. They then went to check on Ballister, who was concerningly still and lifeless. Nimona went over to Ballister and checked on him. Ambrosius was standing there, filled with guilt and fear. "I- he's.. he's d-dead.." Nimona muttered, feeling tears fall down her face. Ambrosius fell to his knees and grabbed Ballister's hand. "He can't be.. h-he can't," Ambrosius mumbled, starting to cry. Nimona hugged Ambrosius tight and they started grieving together.

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