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I wanted to scream but my body had frozen. I stood, stuck in place taking in the scene in front of me. But I couldn't stop, I walked closer. I think in the back of my mind, I guessed who it was but my mind refused to register. The hair... crimson eyes... the bruised neck... the wooden oak ring in the right middle finger. I started trembling, and it wasn't from the cold. I trembled like a person in the electric chair. I wasn't in control. My teeth clattered against each other, and my neck started feeling tighter. I couldn't breathe. And my eyes couldn't stop looking. Looking at the love of my life. My legs gave way from under me, I fell on the pool of blood beside her; next to her face, which had the top part cut clean. No, No! I trembled harder. I grabbed at my neck. It felt like the pain in my heart was so much that it became physical. I tried to cry, there were no tears, only guttural sounds coming out of my throat. I looked at the moon for help, but it disappeared again behind the clouds. Please please tell me it's a dream, someone, somebody please. The lump in my throat refused to give. I couldn't cry, and the pain became unbearable. I wanted to scream until my throat gave out but I couldn't. I started gasping for air.

"Jasiri..." I heard my name from the heavens. Was it an angel? Then this is a dream. I felt the pain in my throat reduce a little. Then I felt someone grab my arms to stand me up. I was on my feet like robot; numb to everything and anyone. I wasn't blinking because my eyes wouldn't shut. In front of me stood Fiki. Fiki? what the hell was she doing here? Her voice was loud and clear but I barely heard anything.


I then felt arms around me. "Jasiri, you're okay..."

What did she mean I was okay? I needed Raha, so badly that my chest ached. No way she was dead, that couldn't be her. Not that person lying there with half their head gone. No, no way...

"Jasiri look at me..." she held my face. Why the hell was she still talking? "She wanted you... I couldn't let her have you..."


"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!! ALL I CAN HEAR IS SOUNDS, I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE SAYING!!" I heard myself shout. With that, my throat opened up and I felt my chest crumble. The tears came like a hurricane. I cried until I was gasping for air. I wasn't sure what I was crying about. I was yet to process or even think about what I had seen. Her words started becoming clearer.

"My grandmother, she wanted you, I couldn't let her... So I let her have HER. She wanted your head Jasiri, I couldn't let that happen... she chose today for the ritual because the moon was full... the ritual keeps her from dying... she needed to do it... I had to do it... she needed your hair... she needs to stay alive for me... if she dies, I'll be all alone Jasiri... I'm so happy you're okay... please, I need you to tell me you understand..."

...so I let her have HER...


...it keeps her from dying...

What the hell was she saying?

The trembles came again. I held her by the shoulders. I needed to hear her say it. I dreaded it and I wanted to hear it at the same time. The air was so cold my teeth clattered. My eyes were wide open watching Fiki. My chest felt empty, like my heart had been ripped out.

"Jasiri... I did it for us. I couldn't let my grandmother kill you... we can finally begin our story baby..."

I felt my brain overturn inside my head. This must be the end of the world, right? In a nightmare that wouldn't end right? One that felt so real... she killed her... is that what she was saying?

"Y-You..." I tried to speak. My grip tightened around her shoulders. I felt saliva coming out of my mouth because it was wide open the whole time.

"You killed her... You killed her..." I muttered. I gripped her so tight my fingers were in pain. I looked behind me... the body... her body... her blood... her brains peeking through her skull... I gripped Fiki tighter. The crimson in her eyes... Raha's eyes. The brown I'll never see again. I squeezed tighter. My throat opened in a guttural scream that opened a door of madness in my brain. I squeezed tighter. The screams became louder. I realized they weren't mine alone and my hands were no longer on her shoulders. She screamed as I squeezed her neck like a sponge. I had to. She was gasping for air. I pinned her to the ground.

Writhe: SCALPWhere stories live. Discover now