Chapter 8

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Wilbur leaves the appartment feeling a little better than he did before, only marginally mind, but Techno promises to help look for Tommy the next day, despite the guilt that floods him as he lies to Wil's face. 

Tommy emerges from his room looking broken and confused, and Techno immediately goes to comfort the boy. 

"Hey kid," Techno says, as he sees Tommy's heartbroken expression. "He didn't mean to, you know," Techno says, quietly. 

"I..." Tommy begins, "...I know... but..."

And as Techno hugs the kid, Tommy cries, and whispers to Techno how he wants to trust Wilbur again, but he can't. 

"It's too hard," Tommy whispers to him, and Techno looks at the boy who's just so tired. 

"I know kid, but it will get better, I promise," 

It doesn't get better though, because the next day, Tommy doesn't wake up and come into the kitchen at his normal time. And Techno enters his room to check on him to find him feverous, and shivering more than ever. 

Techno begs the kid who is hardly conscious to let him take him to the hospital, or at least to go see a doctor, but Tommy refuses, weakly.

Eventually Techno gives up, as Tommy refuses to budge. 

"Kid, Phil will want to see you, he's worried. He won't tell Wil," Techno promises Tommy. 

"I..." Techno can see Tommy's uncertainty, and hates how scared the kid is. He realises that the bubbly persona Tommy always has is to hide his fear and loneliness. 

Techno assures him that everything will be ok, and eventually Tommy agrees to speak to Phil. 

"Kid, Phil won't be mad, he's worried about you," Techno assured Tommy, putting a wet cloth on his forehead. 

"... are you sure?" Tommy asked weakly, and Techno saw the fear in his eyes.

"I promise," Techno said, gripping Tommy's hand tightly. And after a brief pause, Tommy nods. 

"Let him come," He whispered, turning away from Techno so that he didn't see the shame burning on his face. Shame that he had to be looked after like this, shame that Techno could now see how weak and scared and pathetic he was, shame that he knew that Phil would soon see this side of him too. 

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