Chapter 1

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"Mrs.Greenwood,I'm sorry but the chances of you getting pregnant is really low" Was all I could hear from the doctor.I knew I was the one to be blamed for not being able to conceive because of all the horrible decisions I made in my past.who am I to be blamed,they say love makes people blind and I can testify that I'm a victim of that.Before I got married to my husband,he made me abort our baby anytime I got pregnant claiming we weren't financially stable and he didn't want our child to be born into poverty.For the past 5 years I've been trying to get pregnant but anytime I try I end up being disappointed again.
"Mrs.Greenwood,are you with me".I heard the doctor asked
Yes I'm sorry I thought this time around I could be able to conceive.I replied him with tears running down my eyes.
"I really wish there was something I would do to help you but due to number of abortions you've done in your past makes it difficult for you to get pregnant again"the doctor said.
I know doctor,is all my fault but I'm still hoping for the best.I smiled at him and quickly left his office before he could say any reassuring words to me.
I quickly got into my car and drove off.I wasn't ready to face my husband because I knew he would insult me and let me know how useless I was as a woman because I couldn't give him a child.Tears began flowing down my cheeks as I tried to look at the situation I'm in if I'm the one at fault.I did all those abortions for him because he asked me to but now he makes me look down on myself because I can't give him one single child.
I didn't know I was so lost in my thoughts that I accidentally hit a passing vehicle on my left side.I quickly got out of my car to know if the victim was badly wounded.
I'm really sorry,I was lost in my thoughts that I didn't even notice I was driving in the wrong direction.Let me take you to the hospital please.I said it as soon as I got to the man in the car.He looked up at me and gave me a reassuring smile that he was perfectly fine.I tried convincing him to let me take him to the hospital but he told me that there was nothing wrong and he was perfectly fine so I shouldn't worry about anything but I should concentrate on the road when driving.I nodded and left to get away from the scene.
I looked at my wrist watch and realised it was already past 3 so I hurriedly went home to make dinner for my husband.
I got home and quickly made his dinner.I wasn't sure about the time he will be coming home since he doesn't come home early for the past 3 years.I washed down and went to sit at his office to read through some of his business ideas.
Vashti!!!!!was all I heard before I felt a hot slap on my face.
"If you know you can't drive just pick a taxi when going somewhere"was my husband's words after the hot slap I received.I didn't even realised it was past 8 and my husband was already in.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to get into an accident,please it won't happen again"I responded to him.he looked at me with disgust in his eyes and angrily left me alone in his office.He couldn't even ask me if I was okay or if I went to the hospital after the accident but all he could think about was his car which was half destroyed.I know I'm nothing to him since I have not been able to give him a child for the last 5 years,but I wished he cared a little more about me as his wedded wife and as the girl he fell in love with last 8 years ago.
I have know my husband for 8 years. We dated for 3 years before he happily proposed to me.we have been married for 5 years. I thought we could be happily married with or without kids because I knew my husband was madly in love with me before we got married but I guess I was wrong.
I cleaned my face and quietly went to bed after crying for about an hour. I entered our room and saw that he wasn't around. I knew he will be in the the guest room because that was where he has been sleeping anytime he got angry with me.

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