Chapter 5

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After Desmond left my apartment, I sat down quietly to think about all the hatred I've felt in the past 3 years. All the insults and humiliations I've received from Alexander,my husband.The man that made me felt love in a way I couldn't explain. The guy who was ready to fight with everyone just to have me and the guy who was willing to do anything to see me smile. "What happened to my Alex" I asked myself
Tears began falling down my face as I thought about all the happy moments I had with him before we got married.
"Wake up Vash" I heard him say
I forced my eyes to open and looked at my husband who was sitting beside me on the bed.
"How you feeling now,hope you are okay.....sorry I couldn't come and get you.......I was busy at work that is why I asked Desmond to come for you"he said
I replied him with okay and told him I was fine now so he shouldn't worry. He nodded and asked me to take some rest. I smiled at him and went back to bed. To my surprise he kissed me on my cheek and whispered a goodnight to me and left. I was really confused but I didn't care I just knew that I still had my Alex with me and he was still in love with me.
That night I slept peacefully because I knew from that day going everything was going to change for the best.
I woke up the next day excited because I had a good night sleep after I got a kiss from Alex.
I quickly freshen up and got dressed.I went down stairs and prepared something to eat. I decided to take a nap on the couch after eating.
Before I could get to the couch,a piece of paper which was on the table caught my eyes. I went to pick it up and saw it was a msg written by Alex to me.
"My family will be coming for dinner tonight at 8pm....Prepare something delicious" was the information in the letter.
I was shocked and sad at the moment because I thought he knew I wasn't really feeling well and I just got out of the hospital. I wanted to call and ask him to cancel it and make it another time but I was really scared. I knew he had just started showing affection to me again so I didn't want to do anything to ruin it. I looked up at the clock and saw it was already past 12 so I quickly ordered some foodstuffs to start the cooking.
I finished cooking by 5 pm and got everything set up. Around  7pm I was completely done and really tired. I felt some pains in my head but I ignored it and took in my pills given to me by my doctor.
I went upstairs and took my bath to get ready for the family dinner. I knew all the members of his family but I didn't know the number and people who will be coming for the dinner. Some didn't like me because I couldn't give birth and some hated me because they thought I was just home spending my husband's money without working so I was a burden to him.
I heard my husband calling me from downstairs to tell me to come. I rushed to where he was and noticed that he was with his little sister and his mother. I greeted them and asked if I could get them anything. Natel, her sister pulled me into her arms and gave me a tight hug. Natel and I has been close friends ever since I started dating her brother. We were so close that she knew all my problems and I knew what she was also going through. Our friendship came to an end when she got married and left the country.
"I've really missed you have you been"
She asked me when she let go of me. I smiled at her and replied with good.
We talked for a while and went to have dinner. We didn't say much at the dinner table because we all knew his mom didn't like me.
After dinner,we all said our goodbyes and they left.
I went to our room to change and sleep because I was really tired from all the cooking stress I went through today.
"You are already sleeping babe" I heard Alex say while coming on me. I couldn't reply him because he was busily kissing my neck. I wanted to resist but I was really tired to even talk and push him off from me.
He kissed my neck for sometime and later captured my kissed in a rough way.
"You looked sexy tonight wife" he said while kissing me.
I wanted to feel the connection in our kissing but it felt like nothing. It had no love or passion in it. He got hold of my left breast and and captured it with his mouth while his hands was on my right breast. He sucked my nipple till it I felt swollen but he still didn't stop.
"Stop it Alex..... you are hurting me......and I'm really tired please let me have some sleep,we can do this another time" I said it and pushed him away. He looked at me angry and undressed. He forcefully came on me.
"You know something wife, I wanted to make this night memorable for you but you have proven to be stubborn again so I will do it my way" he said it to me and spread my legs open. I wanted to shout at him to stop but I couldn't. He angrily entered in me.
I felt pains because I wasn't wet and he didn't care.
After the sex, I got up and went to shower. I cried to myself the whole night after everything.
I thought he was trying to be the old Alex I knew but I was wrong. That guy was gone and he will never be that guy again.

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