Part 6

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I was back in the kichen and gave napkins to Lucy. She looked at me

-What is wrong?

-Nothing!-I said picking more plates to take them in the main hall.

-Natasha,don't lie to me!!- she was persistent.

-I can see all over your face that something happened. Your eyes are so big and wide open, you looking scary and your face is all red.

-I'll tel you later-I said and quickly left the kichen wanting to gather my thoughts first. My hads were still shaking and I put those plates on the first table afraid that I might drop them. Then take a deep breath but couldn't calm my fast beating heart.- Bobby what did you done to me?- His kiss was so sudden and unexpected. I wasn't even sure that really happened or it was just my imagination. Touching my lips with my shaky fingers ,feeling they were still swollen from his kisses.- Yes it was definitely real!

-Natasha- mis Lora called me and I jumped all startled like she could hear my thoughts at that moment.

-Are you ok dear,you just ran like that? Mis Lora was nice middle aged woman nad she was such warm and carry person almost like mother to all of us.

I huged her-I'm ok mis Lora,don't worry and I'm sorry I startled you before.She huged me back with her short arms.

-Natasha honey it's ok I was just worried about you but now I see you are fine. I looked at her from above she was shorter that me and all roud.Her face was round and her whole body was round,but she had lovely sky blue eyes. I smiled at her and huged her again. I was happy and I thought I culd fly.-Bobby kissed me!!-was the only thought in my mind but I remain silent not telling her anything. I wanted to keep our sacret and enjoy the moment all by myself.

She tapped my back.

-You are a good girl-then she let go of me -But we have work to do.Let's finish this quickly!-she was smiling at me. I nodded.

Lucy,me and two more girls served the food to the people in the center.It become more crowded when bus with workers from a local furniture factory came. I was so bussy carrying the plates and collecting used ones,but all that time my eyes was searching for Bobby and I couldn't finde him anywhere. I wasn't worried he is probably outside with his cousin Jun. In one moment I manage to go ouside and look for him but he wasn't there. I shrugged my shulders.-Oh,well maybe they left when workers came and he probably didn't want to bother me seeing me all bussy. I smiled,but i was little disapointed,he could just say bye.

Returning inside I was still smiling and that smile stayed on my face all day.

Lucy was so curious I could tell from a far. She constantly looked at my way and when our looks crossed she mouthed- You are so dead!!-meaning I have to tell her all. I smiled at her and nodded-OK-mouthing her back.

She was my dear and the best friend from primary school days. From the moment we shared the desk in our classroom we didn't separate untill today.

We went to same high school and after she even go to the same university as I do,but she wanted to become a chef. She had a natural blond hair,light skin and violet blue eyes.Sometimes I thought that she is so skinny,all skin and bones,but I loved her just the way she was.

The day passed so quickly,and we were all exhausted.

It was settled that local furniture factory made new beds for a homeless shelter.

And I forgot to mention that tomorrow is going to me big festival in our town.

It was festival "Good will" and people from ourt town and also from other towns gather here collecting money,clothes and food to help homeless people.

Usually they put big tables by the sidewalks in downtown with all kinds of homemade food,so everybody who wants can eat and take some food with him. At the evening there wil be masquerade and I just love that part.

Speaking of masquerade I hade no idea what to wear.

Later that day I left the center checking my phone for a hundred time,but there was no message from Bobby.

-He probably thinks that I'm to bussy to text him.

I smiled,he is so thoughtful.

That night I slept with smile on my face,but still holding phone in my hand.

-Tomorrow he will text me for sure-it was last thought before I fall a sleep.


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