Why return now

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  It was finally the weekend after what felt like such a long week and Jennifer had returned home. Stella and Kelly had planned a weekend full of activities they were planning on doing with the boys especially since next week TJ would be with his mom so him and Billy will only see one another at school which is never as fun as hanging out at home.  Their Saturday plans included taking the boys to the lake to fish and then to the new restaurant in town and Sundays plans were for TJ and Kelly to come over to Stella and Billys to play.

Kelly and TJ beat Billy and Stella to the lake but Stella had already texted Kelly to tell him they were running a little late getting out the door so that was expected. Once they all got there Kelly helped get everything up and toted to the embankment in which they will be sitting on to fish. Kelly and Stella had to help the boys fish and release every fish they caught. They conversed about school, work, and their favorite TV shows throughout the day and ended their day of fishing with 5 fish for Stella/Billy and 4 fish for Kelly/TJ which Kelly wasn't happy about but at least the loss was to Stella and Billy he thought to himself. He'd do anything to see them and TJ smile.

They finally had everything loaded back into their cars before Stella leaned down to get into her car Kelly pulled her up and gave her a quick kiss before heading off to his car so they could head to the restaurant they were going to for dinner. Upon arrival they all headed in and took their orders before sitting down. Once again as they are they conversed about all of their favorite things and had asked the boys what their favorite new thing they've done was to which Billy responded "That firetruck my mom got me" and for TJ it was "the leutinunt gear my dad bought me" as scary as it was as parents to see their kids seem to be following their career paths it was amazing to see how happy they got when talking about it.

They had all eaten and they headed off to their respective houses planning to crash early so they could be fully rested for tomorrows plans that they were all excited for.

  Sunday had arrived and Kelly and TJ were on their way to Stellas ready for their day with them. TJ immediately darted to TJs room ready to get all his toys out so they could start playing as Stella and Kelly kicked back on the couch in the living room to watch some TV while the boys played with legos. Stella spoke up first "I've missed you these last few nights" Kelly looked at her kinda shocked and curious "why" he asked. "It's not been the same. The other night when we slept over by accident that night felt so peaceful and waking up to you was the best" Stella said "I have to agree something just felt different that night.. a good different" Kelly said back to which Stella nodded her head in agreement. They then turned back to the TV and began back watching TV. Stella liked the way Kelly made her feel safe, loved, beautiful, worthy, and warm inside it's the first time she can honestly say she's felt this way towards anyone and it scares her but brings her a lot of comfort too. Kelly felt the same towards Stella and that scared the shit out of him more than anything but for Stella he was willing to be scared until it felt normal to him.

Kelly and Stella began talking again once the show they were watching went off. This time more about the future and what they want. Kelly asked Stella "Do you plan on having more kiddos or just Billy for you" "I would like one or two more when the time is right. My last pregnancy was very traumatic nothing to do with Billy but it was so I would want to make sure the situation was locked down steady and well before getting pregnant too I would hate for another pregnancy like that. You?" Stella responded. " I would like one or two more myself.. I really want a little girl and if that's the next one then that'll probably be it. TJs pregnancy wasn't to traumatic for either of us but I would definitely also want to make sure the situation was as perfect as it can get before having another one.. would try to make sure the situation feels more steady than at times it did with Brittany when she got pregnant with TJ" Kelly responded which earned a gotcha from Stella. "Are you ever open to marriage or what" Stella asked Kelly " I guess if the time is right and with the right one I would. I would love to marry you eventually. What about you" "I would absolutely love to get remarried if the situation was right and in time. I would love if it was to you too but I guess we shall see where all life takes us on this adventure" replied Stella before getting a kiss from Kelly. The day seemed to fly by as it was now time for Kelly and TJ to go home and Stella and Billy make dinner before heading off to bed.

  Monday had rolled around quick then any of them had hoped. They had one of the "best weekends ever" according to the boys and Stella and Kelly certainly couldn't disagree.  Today was shift day for both Stella and Kelly. As Kelly arrived back to the firehouse off of a call he had noticed Stella had tried to call him 3 times which isn't normal while they are on shift. Typically she texts after she gets back to the firehouse safely and in between calls but that's it while on shift so he immediately panicked rushed away from everyone and called her back.

Stella was panicked and you could hear it in her voice as soon as she picked up and said to Kelly "Kelly you have to get here now you'll never believe what happened. I don't know what to do" to which Kelly said " Woah Stella breathe. Where do I need to get too and are you and Billy okay" "My house. We got a call it had burned down and upon investigation they are suspecting it's been burnt down by someone not just a random" Stella responded. "Oh my god I'll be right over I'll tell Chief to get Cruz to cover for me for the rest of shift. You and Billy can move in with me and TJ we would love to have y'all. We can figure it out. Any ideas on who or why someone would want to do this?" Kelly said to Stella. "Thank you Kelly that would be great until we can find our own place again. The only person I know that would even think about it is Grant that I know of" said Stella as Kelly asked " but why now would he". Stella told him that if Grant caught wiff of her and Kelly it was likely to try to ruin them and it would be grant just being Grant. Once Kelly arrived he picked Stella up and a few of the belongings that made it. Stella thought of all of the things she worked so hard for that just burnt like they were nothing and she couldn't help but to cry for a few minutes. Kelly told her she didn't have anything to worry about he would be happy to chip in and help her get new stuff and that as long as she's with him and TJ they'll be safe. Upon arrival at the loft with Stella and the few remaining boxes of pictures and toys that were left Stella received a call from Upton down at the Police Station "Stella are you where you can talk" " yes is something wrong" asked Stella. "No but we did just get a big lead on the case and can confidently say that Grant has... "

* As always please feel free to leave feedback and suggestions in comments. Hope y'all enjoyed it *

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