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Kate was cheated on by her boyfriend of 2 years. It wasn't until Kates friends saw how heartbroken Kate was and started saying she should start looking for someone new. Kate would always say she won't see someone else for a while. Until Kate had enough of her friends pressuring her into finding someone new that she says she will go to a club with her friends and find someone. She soon finds the one and only Kevin Alvarez.

Kate and Kevin get to talking and soon Kate reveals that her friends want her to find someone new and that was the reason she was at the club. Kevin saw that she wasn't really interested to find someone new just yet, so he volunteers to be her fake boyfriend to get her friends and ex- boyfriend off her back. "It will be our little secret".

Soon enough Kate and Kevin plan on how they will keep this a secret. And the more Kate and Kevin get to know each other, the more they start falling for each other but never reveal their feelings in case the other person didn't feel the same. Soon problems get in their way, social media find out about the couple and it's a scandal. More and more problems happen. But then those problems have solutions.

What will happen.?
my first book guys.!! I'm so excited and hopefully you guys are too. The first chapter will be out hopefully by tonight or tomorrow. Comment, vote and most importantly enjoy 🤗.!

Started: 8/1/23

Our Little Secret | Kevin ÁlvarezWhere stories live. Discover now