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2 days later Esme and another one of Kate's friends named Yareli decided to go to Kate's house. At first they wanted to give Kate her space for a few days but they wanted to see how she was doing. When they got to Kate's house they unlocked the door with a spare key Kate gave Esme in case of an emergency. Once they went inside they hear shuffling around upstairs, Esme and Yareli looked at each other and shared a confused look. Esme starts going up the stairs trying to find out what was all the noise, Yareli followed Esme up the stairs.

When they got to where the noise was they find Kate
in her room in an oversized hoodie, some shorts and socks destroying all of the gifts that Ethan gave her, she was also taking out all of Ethan's clothes she had from her closet for when he would stay over. All Esme and Yareli could do was stand still at the door frame and share a look because Kate seemed so sad and mad at the same time. But Esme just decided to speak up.

Esme: "hey kate, you doing okay.?"
Kate looked at her with a blank expression
Kate: "I'm okay, just getting rid of this" she said as she pointed at all the stuff she had on the floor.
Esme: "Look i know that this is too soon to ask you this but would you want to go out to a club? Maybe going out will help you."
Yareli: "Yeah come on Kate you might want to start going out more. You would always cancel on us because Ethan wouldn't let you go out."

And they were right. Esme and Yareli would always invite Kate to parties and clubs, Kate would always say she would go. But when it came time to tell Ethan she was going out Ethan would immediately tell her no. He would always tell her that she spends so much time with her friends that she wouldn't even hang out with him. Which was a complete lie, Kate would spend most of her time either hanging out with Ethan, doing school work, or working. It was rare when she went out with her friends, she would just call on the phone with them sometimes.

But Kate being as in love as she was she wouldn't say anything back and just obey him. She would cancel on her friends. She would always tell them that she wasn't feeling well or that she had to get some last minute homework done. But instead she would hang out with Ethan. Esme and Yareli noticed and would always tell Kate that Ethan wasn't good for her because he controls her so much. But Kate would never listen.

Esme: "Come on Kate pleasee"
Yareli: "Yeah pleasee Kate"
Kate just stood still, she didn't want to go out. She wanted to stay home and do nothing.
Kate: "Sorry guys but I kinda just wanna stay home." She said as she shrugged.
Yareli and Esme looked at each other
Esme: "Okay that's fine we aren't gonna force you to do something you don't want to do but Kate you cant let this put your life on hold. He doesn't deserve you. We always told you he wasn't good for you"
Kate was on the verge of crying because Esme was right. They did warn her.
Kate: "I know but I promise you guys I will start going out more but soon okay?"
Yareli: "fineee but since we are already heree can we stay for a while and watch a movie? It's been a while since we last hung outtt. "
Esme: "oh my god yess we should watch a movie!"
Kate couldn't say no because she missed hanging out with her friends.
Kate nodded.
Esme and Yareli: "YES.!"

They jumped and went to hug Kate. Kate hugged them back. They all went downstairs to get snacks from Kate's pantry and some drinks from her fridge. And went back upstairs to lay down on Kate's bed and watch (whatever movie you want them to watch). Kate felt so happy that she was the two people she loved.

Esme and Yareli ended up falling asleep but Kate stayed up because all she could think of was the day Ethan came to her house and tried to convince Kate into believing that Esme was lying about him cheating. 


The next morning after everything went down in the club Ethan decided to go and talk to Kate because she wasn't responding to any of his texts. He went to her house and knocked on the door. Meanwhile with Kate she was doing some school work and was confused on who could be at the door because she didn't remember inviting anyone over. Once she opened the door her mood was ruined.

Kate cut him off
Kate:"what do you want."
Ethan:"Im sure Esme told you some stuff. But I promise you she is lying! I would never do that to you, you know that."
He grabbed her hands and put them with his. But Kate quickly took her hands away from his.
Ethan looked at her
Kate: "why would Esme lie about that huh Ethan.?"
Ethan: "I don't know maybe she's in love with me and wants to break us up. who knows
but the point here is that she's lying Kate."

Ethan looked at Kate thinking his plan worked into getting her to believe him because she just stood quiet.
But Kate knows her best friend. She wouldn't do anything to break her relationship up when Esme was basically in a relationship with
someone. So she knew Ethan was lying.

Kate: "You know what Ethan? We are over."
Ethan couldn't believe what he was hearing.
Ethan: "what! no no we are not over Kate. I didn't do anything! I love you okay? You can't just break up with me"
Kate: "Who says I can't Ethan. Huh? And if you loved me. You wouldn't have cheated on me. So don't say you love me."
At this point Ethan was filled with rage because Kate didn't believe him.
Ethan: "Your gonna regret this Kate. I know you will, and when you do, you better not come crawling back to me. You know you need me Kate."
Kate: "Oh trust me I don't need you. And I most definitely won't go back to you. Who would wanna go back to a cheating man baby."

And before Ethan could say anything Kate slammed the door on his face and started crying. All she could hear is Ethan yelling "Your gonna regret this Kate.!"

Kate felt like as if she couldn't breathe and was scared that what Ethan was saying was true. That was was going to regret what she did.

But what Kate didn't know was that her life was gonna change very soon.

Yes guys Kate is gonna meet Kevin in the next chapter 😜.
But the problem issss that I might not be able to update tomorrow cause I have to do some stuff but if I can I will definitely update.!! I tried writing a longer chapter to make it up to you guys, originally I wasn't gonna write the flashback but I ended up doing it. I will also try to make the next chapter a bit longer. But hope you enjoyed this chapter 🤗 love you chikis 🫶🏼.
1243 words.

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