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As Kate went down the stairs she accidentally bumped into someone.
Edson: "Holy shit I'm so sorry."
Kate: "It's fine sorry i wasn't paying attention."
As kate turned to see who she bumped into, she was shocked at who it was.
Edson just let out a small laugh.
Edson: "Uh yeah I am."

Edson took a really good look at her face because she looked familiar. Kate was really confused because he kept staring at her until finally he spoke up.

Edson: "Wait by any chance is your name Kate.?"
Kate: "Uh i am. wait how do you know my name.?"
Edson: "Um your friend is my girlfriend."

Kate was confused for a second cause she didn't remember any of her friends saying they even knew Edson but that's when she realized.

Kate: "Wait a second. YOUR GIRLFRIEND IS ESME.?!"
Edson nodded proudly.
Edson: "Yup.!"
Kate: "what the fuck. she never told me her boyfriend was THE EDSON ÁLVAREZ."
Edson: "Oh shit she hasn't told you.? I thought that's why you were at the party."
Kate: "Nope she didn't tell me."
Edson: "Shit i ruined it."
Kate: "Ruined what.?"
Edson: "She wanted to make it a surprise but I guess it's not a surprise anymore."
Edson: "When she tells you act surprised please i don't want her to get mad at me."
Kate laughed
Kate: "Sure, I'll act surprised. Speaking of Esme ima go look for her. Do you know where she's at.?"
Edson: "No, i haven't seen her but Ive also been looking for her."
Kate: "Well ima go look for her and hopefully you find her later."
Edson: "Okay bye Kate."
Kate: "Bye."

And with that Kate walked away and looked for her friends. After a couple of minutes she hears Esme calling her name.

Kate turned around and saw her friends.
Esme: "Finally we found you."
Kate: "Thank god i thought I was lost."
Yareli: "You took a while in the bathroom are you okay.?" Yareli laughed.
Kate laughed while rolling her eyes playfully.
Kate: "haha your so funny."  She said sarcastically.
Kate: "I couldn't find the bathroom so I had to find one upstairs."
Yareli: "Ohh, well let's walk around there's so many people here."
Esme and Kate: "Sure."

While they were walking around Esme heard her name being called. When they all turned around they saw Edson walking their way.

Esme: "Heyy.!"
Edson: "Heyy.!"
Esme hugged and gave Edson a kiss on the cheek.
Esme turned around with Kate and Yareli with a shocked expression.
Esme: "Uh before you guys ask any questions, surprise.!! yes this is my boyfriend. Edson." she said smiling and looking back at him.
Kate and Yareli: "Ouuuu."
Kate: "No wonder you wouldn't tell us who you were dating."
Yareli: "For real."
They all laughed.

Then two other guys walked up to Edson. As they were walking towards Edson, Diego made eye contact with Yareli. And Kate made eye contact with Kevin. They stayed making eye contact until Edson cleared his throat causing them to break the eye contact.

Edson: "Que paso."
Diego: "Nada just wanted to see what you were doing."
Diego: "Oh hey Esme."
Esme: "Heyy."
Esme: "Oh sorry let me introduce you to my friends.!"
Esme: "Kate and Yareli meet Diego and Kevin."
Diego and Kevin: "Hey."
Kate: "Hi."
Yareli: "Heyy."

Kate looked at Kevin and he seemed familiar, like if she has seen him before. without Kate knowing Kevin was also thinking that Kate seemed familiar. Their thoughts got interrupted because diego started talking.

Diego: "I actually already met Yareli." He said smiling at her.
Yareli: "Yeah." She said while returning the smile at him.
Esme: "ouu okay, well Me and Edson are gonna go, but I'll see you two laterrr.!"
Kate: "Okay."
Yareli: "Byee."

With that Esme and Edson left, leaving the four of them just standing there.
Diego cleared his throat.

Diego: "Uh Yareli you wanna go outside and sit down.?"
Yareli: "Sure.!"

Then Diego and Yareli left, leaving Kevin and Kate alone.

Kevin: "So you look familiar, do I know you.?"
Kate: "Nope, but you look familiar too."
And then Kevin knew where he knew her from.
Kevin: "Wait your the girl that was in my room when I walked in."
Kate stood there trying to remember.
Kate: "Ohh yeah. Wait that was your room.?"
Kevin nodded.
Kate: "Oh well you seem really organized."  She said with a small laugh.
Kevin let out a small laugh too.
Kevin: "Yeah I try to be."
Kevin: "You wanna sit down.?"
Kate: "Sure."

When they sat down they started talking more and felt less awkward around each other. Like if it felt right to be around one another.

Kevin: "So you ended up here because of your friend.?"
Kate: "Yeah she invited me cause my friends say I need to "go out more"." She said with a laugh.
Kevin let out a laugh.
Kevin: "why would they say that.?"

Kate thought a bit before telling him the story of her cheated ex. She just knew the guy for an hour. Kevin saw she took a second and thought it was private information.

Kevin: "If you don't wanna tell me it's okay i understand."
Kate: "No no, i mean It's a lot but you seem trustworthy so it's fine."

It felt right to tell Kevin everything Kate felt as if she knew him for more than an hour.

Kevin: "woah. You weren't kidding when you said it was a lot."
Kate let out a small laugh.
Kevin: "But why would you let him treat you like that if you don't mind me asking.?"
Kate: "I didn't know any better. I used to think it was love. But now I realize it wasn't. He was just controlling me." She said while looking at the floor.
Kevin: "I understand how you feel like, i thought my ex girlfriend did what she did because she loved me too but it wasn't love, she just wanted to control what I do."

They both gave each other a sad look.
Kate broke the silence.
Kate: "I'm really sorry."
Kevin: "For what? You have nothing to be sorry for." He said giving a small smile.
Kate smiled back.
Kate: "Well my friends now want me to find someone new. I don't want anyone though but I want to because they are right, i need to forget about Ethan. That's why I'm here."
Kevin looked at her.
Kevin: "So you don't wanna find anybody new.?"
Kate: "Not yet but i don't wanna deal with my friends and I want to get Ethan off my back."

Kevin started thinking and then looked at Kate and she noticed.

Kate: "what.?"
Kevin: "I think I have an idea."
Kate: "What is it.?"
Kevin: "If i tell you, would you promise to keep an open mind.?"
And that's how it allllll starts. Thank you everyone for 200 reads.! And also thank you to everyone that votes and comments.! I might post another chapter later. maybe though, if not I will definitely post a chapter on the weekend. I made this a longerishh chapter. And I'm working on making Yareli and Diego a couple, and wha do we think abt Esme and Edson 🙊.?! Lmkkk but yeah love you chikis🤗‼️.

1217 words.

Our Little Secret | Kevin ÁlvarezWhere stories live. Discover now