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Kate Garcia was a 23 year old that had a boyfriend named Ethan Fuentes, he was basically Kate's dream guy. He was funny, handsome, a gentleman, anything you could imagine. But coming up to their 2 year anniversary everything went downhill, Ethan started to become distant from Kate.

Kate didn't really think much of it because she thought maybe he was busy with work. But boy was she wrong, what Kate didn't know was that Ethan started going to clubs with his friends and they would meet a bunch of girls. Eventually Kate found out about what Ethan was doing because Esme, Kate's best friend was out one night and saw Ethan making out with another girl that wasn't Kate.

"oh hell no" was all Esme thought before taking out her phone and taking a picture of Ethan and the other girl. She sent it to Kate and waited for a response "Thank you Esme for telling me" was all Kate wrote back to her friend. "That's all you're gonna say?" Esme responded back, but Kate never responded back to her.

But little did Kate know was that Esme was gonna kick the crap out of the girl. No way was Esme just gonna stand there and watch all of that go down and not do anything. Esme started walking towards Ethan and the girl,
Esme:"is this what you're doing when Kate isn't around? seriously?" was all Esme could say.
Ethan turned around to see who was talking to him and his eyes went wide.
Ethan: "What are you doing here?!"
Esme: "I should be asking you the questions."
The girl (Cassandra) : "Babe who's this?"
The girl that Ethan was with said giving Esme a nasty look. Esme looked at Ethan and said
Esme: "babe? seriously Ethan?"
Esme looked back at the girl and started putting her hair up.
Esme: "And as far as answering your question whatever your name is, IM Kate's best friend. Kate as in Ethan's GIRLFRIEND."
Cassandra: "Oh Kate? That ugly girl Kate? I don't even know what you saw in her Ethan"

Esme had enough and without warning she slapped Cassandra causing her to trip and fall on the floor. Esme took this opportunity to start throwing punches. Cassandra tried punching Esme as well but failed to. Everyone surrounded them and started recording, Ethan was frozen.

Until finally security broke the fight and everyone went back to whatever they were doing. Esme started leaving and didn't look back to see Ethan still frozen, he felt as if he couldn't move. Esme just went home and wanted to tell Kate what happened the next day.

But back with Kate, all Kate could do was cry, she was heartbroken. Almost 2 whole years down the drain. But she wasn't going to let him get to her.

First chapter.! So much going on in this chapter 😭 but I wanted to explain first what happened with Kate and her boyfriend. I will post another chapter tomorrow.!!
500 words.

Our Little Secret | Kevin ÁlvarezWhere stories live. Discover now