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a few weeks later Esme and Yareli went back to Kate's house. But this time it was to get ready. Because finally Kate said yes to going to a party. While they were getting ready they see Kate stressing about what to wear. Esme noticed this and decided to say something.

Esme: "Kate It's fine if you don't wanna go we don't wanna pressure you into going. Please don't stress out."
Kate: "no no. I want to go out but I just don't know what to wear.! Please help mee.!"
Yareli: "Hmm."
Yareli started to look through Kate's closet.
Yareli: "This one would look nice, you would look so beautiful.!"

She was holding up a beautiful dark blue dress that wasn't showing much but it was just perfect for Kate.
Kate: "How did I not see that before."
Esme: "um maybe because you're stressing out and worrying to much."
Kate: "i know i know, it's cause I haven't gone out in such a long time."
Yareli: "We know. But we need that to change nowww.!"

Kate let out a small laugh.
Esme: "Okay okay come on let's continue getting ready the party should start soon."
Yareli: "Do you know who's gonna be at the party.?"
Esme: "Nope but hopefully we find some cute guys. Supposedly that the person that's hosting the party is really famous."
Yareli: "ouuuu I'm really excited now." Yareli said laughing.

Kate was too busy looking at her dress to hear what Esme and Yareli were talking about. She was excited to go out with her friends. She wanted to forget about Ethan and what he did to her.

-time skipp-

Once they got to the party they immediately started to take notice that there was so many people. Esme was right, the person who was hosting this party was really famous. They all went their separate ways. Esme went to where most of the people were, but Yareli went to the bar with Kate.

Yareli: "you're not gonna get anything?"
Kate: "umm I don't think so, uh ima go to the bathroom I'll be back"
Yareli: "okay but if you get lost or anything happens call me or Esme okay?"
Kate: "Okay I'll see you later"
Kate hugs Yareli and leaves to find the bathroom.

When Yareli gets her drink she accidentally bumps into someone. She turns around to see a kinda short guy but he was a bit taller than her.

Yareli: "holy crap I am so sorry!"
The guy: "oh you're all good it's okay" he laughs.
Yareli: "You sure?"
The guy: "Yup but I feel like I'll be much better if I could get your name."
Yareli: "Oh uh it's Yareli" she laughs.
The guy: "Well nice to meet you Yareli"
Yareli: "what's your name.?"
Diego: "It's Diego." He smiles.
Yareli: "Nice to meet you diego" she smiles back at him.

Diego kept staring at her. He thought Yareli was the most gorgeous girl in the world. He fell in love with her smile. Yareli also couldn't help but stare at him, she thought he was really attractive and she also couldn't help but fall in love with his eyes and smile. They made eye contact but Yareli broke it.

Yareli: "Soo how did you end up here?"
Diego: "well my friend is hosting this party so I got invited. How about you? How did you end up here?"
Yareli: "I came with two other friends, My friend Esme invited me."
Diego: "Ohh, well I should get going my friends are probably looking for me but could I have your number by any chance?"
Yareli couldn't help but blush.
Yareli: "Yeah of course."
They exchanged numbers.
Diego: "Okay I'll see you around" he smiled.
Yareli: "Yupp" She said to herself as he walked away.

Yareli just kept smiling but then remembered she needed to find her friends so she went to look for Esme or Kate.
Esme was also looking for Yareli or Kate, That's when she found Yareli.

Esme: "Oh my gosh thank god I found you I thought I was gonna be lost"
Yareli: "yeah there's so many people here. Also have you seen Kate? She went to the bathroom a while ago and I haven't seen her.
Esme: "Um no i havent seen her. You wanna look for her?"
Yareli: "Yeah let's go"
They went to go look for Kate.

-Meanwhile with Kate-
Kate went to look for the bathroom but somehow she ended up in a room upstairs. The room had a bathroom so she took the opportunity to use the bathroom. When she finished doing her business she looked around the room to see many soccer posters most of them being of Messi. She also saw many gold medals and awards. She saw a desk with a computer set up. The bed was made, everything in the room was organized. She decided to leave and look for her friends. She was about to open the door when someone opened it before her. She was met with a tall guy. (I think you could guess who this is🙊).

Kate and the guy: "Holy shit."
The guy: "Um can I ask what you're doing here?"
Kate: "Uh I came in here to use the bathroom since I couldn't find one."
The guy: "Oh."
Kate: "Yeahh ima just go"

And with that Kate left the room. Leaving the guy confused.
Kate went downstairs and went to look for her friends.
Small chapter cause I feel bad that I haven't updated. This took me like 3 days to write.
I'll be sure to write more but I havent been feelinggg to well 😭. But I'll try to update more often. Also cause I started school today 😣. I wanna update at least once or twice a week. And more on the weekends if im not busy. But yeah hopefully you enjoyed this chapter.!
Byee love you chikis 😇.!!
986 words.

Our Little Secret | Kevin ÁlvarezWhere stories live. Discover now