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The next morning Kate woke up to the smell of something burning. She looked around and saw that her friends weren't in her room. Kate went downstairs to check if they were there. As she got to the kitchen she saw Esme and Yareli trying to turn off the stove.

Yareli: "Esme that's not how you do it.!"
Esme: "Well if you're so smart why don't you do it.!"
Yareli: "Move.!"
Yareli tried to fix it but failed.
Esme: "See you can't do it either." she rolled her eyes.
Yareli was gonna say something but then she spotted Kate watching them.
Yareli: "Hey goodmorning.!"
Kate: "Hey."
Kate: "What are you guys doing.? And why does it smell like something is burning.?"
Esme: "We were trying to make breakfast for you but Yareli here thought it was a good idea to wait longer for the pancakes to cook." she said rolling her eyes again.
Yareli also rolled her eyes.
Yareli: "it's not my fault."
Esme: "Um yes it is."
Yareli: "No it's isn't.!"
Kate: "Okay guys that's enough. it's fine."
Yareli: "So guys what should we do today.!"
Esme: "We should watch more movies.!"
Kate was going to say yes until she remembered that she was going to hang out with Kevin.
Kate: "Um actually you guys could do that I can't hang out today sorry."
Yareli and Esme looked at each other.
Esme: "Whyy what happened."
Kate: "no no It's nothing bad it's just um Kevin actually asked me to hang out today."
Yareli and Esme: "Ouuu.!!"
Kate rolled her eyes and laughed at the way her friends reacted.
Yareli: "You could have said that from the beginning.!"
Esme: "Forget the movie.! We are gonna help you get ready.!"
Kate: "Umm."
Esme: "Come onnn.!"
Kate: "Fine but nothing too crazy."
Yareli and Esme: "Got it."

-Meanwhile with Kevin-
Diego went up to Kevin.
Diego: "Oye what are you doing later.? I was thinking the team could hang out today at my place."
Kevin: "Oh i can't today."
Diego: "porqué.?"
Kevin: "Um ima hang out with Kate today."
Diego: "Uyy con la novia."
Kevin: "Ay Cállate Diego no es mi novia."
Diego: "not yet." He said while smirking.
Kevin: "Y tu.?"
Diego: "Yo que."
Kevin: "How are things going with Yareli."
Diego: "Pues i was also thinking of hanging out with her today."
Kevin: "You should."
Diego: "I'll tell her later if she wants to hang out one of these days."
Kevin nodded.
Edson: "ay par de chismosos, stop talking and keep training. we have a game soon and we can't afford to lose."
Kevin and Diego: "We know." They said as they were running towards Edson.
Alexis: "Oye diego pasame la pelota.!"
Diego kicks the ball towards Alexis but missed.
Diego: "Oops."
Alexis: "Diego eres un pendejo."
Diego rolls his eyes.
Coach: "Okay guys let's keep training.!"

-Time skip-
It was now 4pm, Kevin got out a little earlier than expected but at least he had time to get ready.

-With Kate-
Yareli: "Esme no that shirt is ugly.!"
Esme: "What are you talking about this shirt is pretty.!"
Kate: "Guys we have been fighting over an outfit for the passed 2 hours.!"
Yareli: "But you can't lie Kate. That shirt Esme has esta bien fea.!" She said pointing at the shirt Esme had in her hand.
Esme: "I know for a fact that you wore a shirt like this."

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