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Kate: "What did you have in mind."
Kevin: "Okay i know this sounds crazy but what if we made people believe we are together."
Kate paused for a second.
Kate: "How would we make that work."
Kevin: "I don't know yet but that way we both have a win win, you get your friends and your ex off your back and I get my friends off my back too"

Kate was surprised that Kevin asked her if she wanted to start a fake relationship. At first she thought it was a bad idea because people would think it's suspicious they just randomly started dating.

But thinking about it she did want her friends and her ex off her back and she would also help kevin out too.

Kate: "Let's do it."
Kevin thought she was gonna say no and think it was a bad idea.
Kevin: "Really.?"
Kate: "Yeah really. like you said, it's a win win for the both of us."
Kevin: "Okay but how would we do it. People would get confused because we basically just met."
Kate: "True but what if we just started going out.?"
Kevin: "Yeah and in those hang outs we could talk about how we are gonna do this."
Kate: "Yeah."

Then Diego and Yareli came up to them.
Yareli: "what you guys talking abouttt."
Kate: "uh kevin was just saying that me and him should hang out soon."
Yareli: "ouuu that's niceee"
Yareli: "Diego asked me to hang out toooo." She said smiling.
Kate looked back and forth between Diego and Yareli because she likes them as a couple.
Kate: "that's really nicee."
Kevin: "Uh well we should get going." He said as he clapped his hands.
Kate: "Where are you going if this is your house." She said giving him a confused look.
Kevin: "Well if you must know I have to entertain my crowd." He said giving her a smile.
Kate: "mmhm."
Diego: "well then let's go "entertain your crowd"." He said while putting his hands on Kevin's shoulders.
Kevin: "yup let's go."
Diego: "see you guys around.!" He said as he side hugged Yareli and Kate.
Kate and Yareli: "Byee."

As they left Kate looked at Yareli as she had a smile on her face. Kate crossed her arms.
Kate: "You like him don't you." She said looking at her.
Yareli just looked at her.
Yareli: "i dont know what you're talking about Kate."
Kate: "mmmmmhm."
Yareli crossed her arms like Kate.
Yareli: "what about you and Kevin huhhh." She said smirking.
Kate: "I don't know what you're talking about."
She said as she let out a small laugh.
Yareli: "oh come onn you should get with himm."
Kate: " I barely met him Yareli, but maybe we might talk more when we hang out."
Yareli: "Ouuuu okayy, you have to let me and Esme know how it goessss."
Kate: "Definitely but you also have to tell me and Esme how it goes with you and diegooo."
Yareli: "Of coursee." She said with a smile.

-Meanwhile with Diego and Kevin-
Diego: "So what's going on with you and Kate.? you guys are gonna go out.?"
Kevin: "Diego cálmate wey con tus preguntas, i just met her but i want to get to know her she seems nice." He smiles.
Diego: "Bueno but you have to let me know what happenss.!"
Kevin: " I don't think I'll be doing that but if it helps you think better sure."
Diego rolls his eyes while Kevin lets put a small laugh.
Kevin: "how about you and Yareli huhh, you like her.?"
Diego blushes at the sound of Yareli's name.
Diego: "I do but I feel like it's too soon. I just met her too, but it feels right you know.? I've never felt like this about anyone."
Kevin: "Well if you like her so much ask her on dates and see what goes on from there."
Diego: "Your right, I'll do that. I really hope it works."
Kevin: "If you like her and she likes you I don't see why it shouldn't work."
Kevin: "Also you have her number right."
Diego: "Si. why.?"
Kevin: "Can you ask her if she could give me Kates number.?"
Diego: "Damn you do like her." He said smirking.
Kevin: "Ay diego cállate y pregúntale."
Diego: "Damn okay okay ya voy."
Diego gets his phone out of his pocket and texts Yareli.
He waited for a response and a few minutes later he got one.
Diego: "Here." He said as he showed Kevin the phone number.
Kevin got his phone out and got the number.
Kevin: "Tell her I said thank you."
Diego: "Yupp."

-With Kate and Yareli-

Yareli: "Wowww Kate you have Kevin asking for your number and everythinggg." She laughed.
Kate laughed as well.
Kate: "No wayyy."
Yareli: "Yess look diego texted me asking if Kevin could get your number."
Kate: "He could have asked me for it when we were talking."
Yareli: "Maybe he was too shy to askk."
Kate: "I don't know." She laughed.
Kate: "But anyways can we leave I wanna go home."
Yareli: "Um sure let's just look for Esme."
Kate: "Okay."

Kate and Yareli got up and went to look for Esme and Edson. After a few minutes it felt like they checked everywhere for them but all they had left to check was outside.

As they went outside they saw Esme and Edson kissing.
Kate and Yareli: "eww." they whispered.

Yareli cleared her throat so they could hear her and it worked.

Kate: "We are very sorry to interrupt your little moment but can we pleaseee go home Im really tired."
Esme and Edson laughed.
Esme: "Yeah let's go."
They walked to the door and were about to leave but Esme and Edson had to say bye to each other so it took like 10 minutes to leave.

After a while they finally left. Esme and Yareli ended up staying over at Kate's house because they were too tired to drive to their houses.

Yareli and Esme were asleep but Kate was wide awake and couldn't sleep because she was thinking about Kevin's idea.
Would it be a good idea.?

Then Kate's phone got a message she checked who it was but it was an unknown number.

It said : "Hey it's me Kevin, I just wanted to know if you wanted to hang out tomorrow so we could talk about my idea. Let me know."

Kate immediately responded back.

Kate's message: "Yeah im down to hang out. What time are you available.?"
Kevin also immediately responded back.

Kevin's message: "I have practice early in the morning but I should be done at about 5 so maybe at 6.? I could pick you up and go somewhere."

Kate's message: "Okay yeah that sounds good see you tomorrow Kevin."
Kevin's message: "See you tomorrow Kate and goodnight."
Kate's message: "Good night."

And with that Kate started smiling at her phone. What she didn't know was that Kevin was also smiling at his phone.

Kevin and Kate are gonna hang outtt🙊.?!? As well as Yareli and Diegooo.?? What do we thinkk.

I shouldve published this yesterday but I feel asleep after I finished😭. Sorry for any spelling mistakes or anything. Alsooo THANK YOU GUYS FOR 400 READSS 🫶🏼🫶🏼. And everyone who votes and comments🫶🏼.

And also these rankings

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And also these rankings.?!? It's crazyy.!! Thank you to everyone reading my story 😭🫶🏼.
1234 words.

Our Little Secret | Kevin ÁlvarezWhere stories live. Discover now